Edmonds residents interested in serving as an alternate on the Edmonds Planning Board are encouraged to apply for the vacancy.
The Planning Board advises the mayor and city council on comprehensive planning, rezones, development code amendments and other land-use issues. Near-term issues the planning board will be reviewing include multi-family design standards, the Climate Action Plan update, and the periodic update of the Comprehensive Plan, which is due in 2024
The board, with support from city staff, normally meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. Meetings are currently held via Zoom but will be held in the Public Safety Complex when the city moves back to in-person meetings.
Interested parties can fill out an application online or may request an application by emailing planning@edmondswa.gov or calling 425-771-0220. Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. Friday, Feb.25, 2022.
The city encourages women, people of color and other underrepresented groups to apply for service on this board. Qualified candidates will be interviewed by the mayor, who will make the appointment with city council confirmation.
How about me. I am free. Just bring a little duct tape for emergency silencing and it will all be good. XO