Mayor’s Climate Protection Committee seeks new members

The Edmonds Mayor’s Climate Protection Committee (CPC) is seeking new members. The committee works to address the future impacts of climate change, to implement conservation ideas, and to encourage city staff and citizens to conserve current resources.

The committee meets the first Thursday of each month from 8:30 to 9:45 a.m. Meetings are currently held via Zoom but will be at City Hall when the city moves back to in-person meetings for boards and commissions.

Interested parties can fill-out an application online at or may request an application by emailing or calling 425-771-0247. Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. Friday, April 1, 2022.

The city encourages women, people of color and other underrepresented groups to apply for service on this board.

The mayor will review all completed applications and appoint new members based on the applicants’ ability to broaden the committee’s perspective and viewpoints.

  1. The link to fill out the application would not allow me to fill it out? Or is one required to be able to print and scan or have printed mailed and returned by April 1st making it hard to apply if you are not a insider? I guess neither here nor there not much chance of a critic of the mayor and not a member of the preferred demographic and against the the current philosophy on how to deal with climate change on such short notice to even get a application in on time more less even being considered. Rigged would be my word.

    1. I doubt the website knows your political stance or climate philosophy. I think the instruction should read: you can print out an application, not fill out an application. Good luck.

  2. Does the Mayor nominate and Council confirm these new members? I thought that is what is required for Boards and Commissions. The Mayor only has sole discretion of members when it is a time limited group (e.g. interview panel for the police chief, Equity and Social Justice Task force members).

  3. Good observation Mike.

    Of all the Boards and Commissions listed on the City’s website, I am fairly certain the Mayor’s Climate Protection Committee is the only one not established by City Council either via Ordinance or Resolution. If so, I suspect this is more of a Task Force than a Board or Commission.

    Task Forces are a murky area in Edmonds.

    I’ve asked elected officials many questions about Task Forces. For example:

    1. What is a Task Force and how does such differ from the City’s Advisory Boards and Commissions governed under ECC Title 10 BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS?

    2. What Edmonds Ordinance(s) governs the formation and use of Task Forces?

    3. Is a “Task Force” subject to the Open Public Meetings Act?

    4. Are Task Forces set up by an Edmonds Mayor, “agencies” subject to the public records act?

    5. Is the conduct of members of a Task Force governed by the Edmonds Code of Ethics like the conduct of elected officials and appointed citizen volunteers serving in an official capacity (i.e. Boards and Commissions)? If not, why not? Shouldn’t all Task Force members have clarity about this when they accept an appointment?

    6. ECC 2.01.010 makes no mention whatsoever of the Mayor having authority to convene a group of ad hoc advisors. Isn’t it the City Council that can “appoint ad hoc task forces with a specific task whose sole duty is to study a problem and report back to the council”?

    7. Why would elected City Councilmembers sit on a Task Force that provides advice and guidance to the Mayor and Staff only?

    I think answers to the questions would be helpful. Still waiting.

    Ordinance No. 3724 provides evidence that the 2009 City Council believed that Task Forces are established via Ordinance. The title to Ordinance No. 3724 is as follows (please excuse all caps-Ordinance Titles are done in all caps):

    ORDINANCE NO. 3724


    1. Those are all great questions Ken. I just looked at Title 10 of the City code and was surprised that they don’t have the Climate Protection Committee listed as one of their Boards and Commissions so it looks like you are correct. The City considers this a task force and not a commission and, therefore, the Council does not have the opportunity to confirm the Mayor’s nominees.

      An old email I have from a Council member says “my understanding is Task Forces are limited-term groups, versus the “permanence” and OPMA requirements of boards and commissions that are in our code.” According to the City’s website the Climate Protection Committee was established in 2006 so it doesn’t seem like this is a limited term group. I suspect even the Council members are not clear on what differentiates a task force versus board or commission. It would be nice if the City would answer your questions.

  4. I’ll be interested to know what plans the “task force” will recommend to protect the climate from Solar activity, phases / proximity of the Moon, the occasional shift in the Earths poles , volcanic eruptions & etc. . All of which have much more impact than anthropogenic changes.

  5. Man, I’m relieved that the mayor and his committee are going to get busy and protect the Edmonds city climate. What a relief to know that this ultra important city task is going to get done. Looking forward to seeing all their action plans for saving our fragile city from all the horrible immediate climate issues surrounding us in all directions.

    I’d certainly recommend that he seek funding to hire another outside consultant – expert on forming climate protection committees – to help complete this all important task the best way possible to serve all us lowly and poorly informed citizens or, as he likes to see us, his loyal Subjects. I’d personally recommend he appoint AFM and LD to this all important committee since they suddenly find themselves with a little extra time on their hands. As my K.G. teacher always said, “busy hands are happy hands.”

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