Olympic Fly Fishers donate $1,500 to Edmonds Stream Team

The Olympic Fly Fishers of Edmonds at its April 12 meeting presented a $1,500 check to the Edmonds Stream Team April 12. (Photo courtesy Olympic Fly Fishers)

The Olympic Fly Fishers of Edmonds at its April monthly meeting presented a $1,500 check to the Edmonds Stream Team, made up of students from the Meadowdale High School Environmental Club and the Edmonds-Woodway High School Students Saving Salmon Club.  The money will be used to buy additional equipment for the students, who collect field data on water quality and stream conditions that may be affecting salmon status.

You can learn more about the Olympic Fly Fishers here.
  1. Many thanks to Olympic Fly Fishers and their continuing support of high school students participating in field activities to protect and restore salmon to local streams. The money will go to good use especially for purchasing chest waders for students and volunteers to use in helping restore stream and wetland salmon habitat in Edmonds.

  2. To clarify, $1000.00 came directly from the OFF Foundation and $500.00 came from the club auction of of fly fishing gear donated by Jane O’Dell and Raymond Brown with the specific purpose of going to Students Saving Salmon .

    Robert Chaffee, Membership Chair OFF

  3. This is special indeed. Love to view these kids preparing areas for the salmon habitat to thrive around Edmonds.

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