In addition to meeting in committees Tuesday, June 14, the Edmonds City Council will hold a special meeting at 7 p.m. for one agenda item: Conducting a public hearing to receive citizens’comments on interim design standards for multifamily-only buildings in the city’s BD2 zone.
The interim design standards — approved by the council at an April 21 special meeting — are aimed at addressing council concerns prompted by a 24-unit apartment building proposed for the 600 block of Main Street, located in the BD2 zone. According to city code, a public hearing must be held within 60 days of adopting the standards. The council must adopt final standards within six months of adopting the interim standards. According to the council agenda, the standard process for code updates would have the Edmonds Planning Board review the proposed final standards and make a recommendation to the council.
The goal of the interim standards is to ensure multifamily housing units are compatible with the downtown area, with a focus on three requirements: building materials, private amenity space, and a street-side amenity space or pedestrian area.
– Building facades must be clad with preferred building materials that include natural stone, wood, architectural metal, brick and glass. Concrete, laminates, veneers, fiber cement products and the like may be permitted by the development services director or the city’s Architectural Design Board if they replicate the appearance of the preferred materials.
– An exterior area equivalent to at least 10% of the project’s gross lot area must be provided as private amenity space for residents of the development. This standard can be met through a combination of balconies (cantilevered, recessed or semi- recessed), decks, patios or yards forindividual dwelling units or the site as a whole. Based on council concerns Tuesday night related to safety and privacy, rooftop decks were removed as an option for a private amenity space.
– An exterior area equivalent to at least 5% of the project’s gross lot area must be provided as a street-side amenity space or pedestrian area.
– Some roof modulation is required, with a preference for step-downs that follow the slope when such a slope exists.
Here are the agenda items for the three council committees meeting April 14:
Public Safety, Personnel and Planning Committee, 4:30 p.m.
– Ordinance to add human services to PSPP Committee
– Ordinance amending ECC 5.27.210 regarding fireworks fines
– Opioid settlement participation form
– Missing middle grant application
– Employment agreement – executive assistant to city council
Finance Committee, 5:30 p.m.
– April 2022 monthly financial report
– 2022 State Auditor Office (SAO) audit exit follow up
Parks and Public Works Committee, 7:30 p.m.
– City of Lynnwood/Meadowdale Park interlocal agreement 2022 expenditure request.
– Presentation of supplemental agreements with KPG Psomas related to design services and construction management for the citywide pedestrian crossing enhancements project.
– Presentation of supplemental agreement with KPG Psomas for 76th Avenue and 220th Avenue intersection improvements project.
– Presentation of right of entry and maintenance agreement between the City of Edmonds and property owner at 21000 Highway 99.
– Project update for the 76th Avenue West @ 220th Strees Southwest intersection improvements project.
– Presentation of local agency consultant agreement with Transpo for the SR-104 adaptive system from 236th Street Southwest to 226th Street Southwest.
– Presentation of professional service agreement for design services for the Yost and Seaview reservoir repairs and upgrades.
– Select Homes 7918 203rd St. S.W. 10-foot right-of-way dedication
– Presentation to update Edmonds City Code Chapter 3.36 to include impact fee waivers for early learning facilities
– Public Works CIP-CFP review.
To access the meetings remotely via Zoom, click on or paste the following Zoom meeting link into a web browser using a computer or smart phone: Or join by dial-up phone: US: +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 957 9848 4261.
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