Edmonds Kind of Play: Uptown Market, free family movies, bike camp

Enjoying ice cream at last week’s Uptown Market. (Photo by Larry Vogel)

When planning for summer outings, to either break up screen time or do things outside while it’s not wet, my ideal time is something I think of as breezy. You know that feeling of something that isn’t overplanned but there is a little something for everyone and no one melts down even though their preference is the faux security of overplanning? I thought of that feeling when I read the comments on last week’s Uptown Edmonds Evening Market post. The market-goer enjoyed their time and they found food once they were there, plus I picture the live music in the back and some produce you didn’t go for, but are glad you came home with.

The next Uptown Edmonds Evening Market will be on Tuesday, July 19 from 4 to 8 p.m. on 236th Street Southwest, between 84th Avenue and Highway 99, with plenty of available parking at Edmonds Lutheran Church. This Tuesday features live music from the family trio, 100 Huckleberry’s. On top of the musical entertainment, there will be “fresh, right from the farm” produce, locally made crafts, and food vendors that can turn this into an entertaining produce run with dinner! There will be a total of six Tuesday Uptown Edmonds Evening Markets, which started up again earlier this month, including July 26 and Aug. 9, 16 and 23. For more information, you can head to EdmondsWA.gov

As we walked past the Edmonds Library, a mom friend of mine looked at the closed building and thought back to how much she depends on the library in the summer, especially with littler ones, and I definitely agree. I think of a day checking out a book, grabbing a froyo or some of those pencils that turn into watercolors that I’ve been meaning to try. While the Edmonds Library is still closed indefinitely, we got a lot of Edmonds Library updates this week including ways to interact with the library in person! First, we found out that the Dayton Street bookdrop is open again with the Main Street option staying closed for now. Then, Sno-Isle.org posted a “Road to Recovery” explaining that a pipe supporting the rooftop garden ruptured and estimations are that the water was overflowing into the library for possibly 8 to 12 hours. The end result was roughly two inches of water across all 17,000 square feet, which miraculously spared “the books, public computers and other materials.” These were then quickly recovered with the library’s entire collection relocated to the service center in Marysville. (You can read more in this My Edmonds News story here.)

The post also listed ways to use the library during its closure. The Bookmobile will be at the Edmonds Library every Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. During this time, staff will be available to answer questions — including facility updates — and provide research assistance. Books may be returned on location at the Dayton Street book drop in Edmonds or at any other Sno-Isle location. You may also have your holds sent to the Lynnwood Library, which  has a big fish tank and a great kids seating area, or any of the other Sno-Isle Libraries. For those who use the library for Wi-Fi, it will be available from the parking lot — I had to do this when we were in quarantine and I was really grateful for the option. If you need any other library services, you can contact them via phone, email or even text at www.sno-isle.org/contact-us/

The Edmonds Theater is offering FREE Summer Family Movies each Tuesday at 11 a.m. – doors open at 10:30 a.m. Each week, the theater will show a G- or PG-rated family film with July 19 being Despicable Me and the July 26 offering being Minions. A friend reminded me of the Summer Family Movies and said that when they arrived at 10:15 for a showing, there was just a small line and they ended up having lots of space in the theater even with first-come, first-served seating. There are options for snacks with $2 for a kid-sized popcorn and drink and $5 if you add candy to that! The theater is also accepting donations to fund future Summer Movie Series. For more information and a full list of movies, you can visit TheEdmondsTheater.com.

The same friend told me that her youngest did Pedalhead bike camp at the Frances Anderson Center, and I had no idea we had an option in the area! I have seen the camp at Marymoor Park, while checking out their Audubon Loop, and it always looks like a good time for a large age range of kids. I went to Pedalheads.com to  check out the offerings and saw classes for kids starting at those who turn 3 before the end of the year. There were options for riders who want to learn a balance bike on up. There are camps to learn to balance and steer, or navigate intersections and the higher levels can be a focus on using your gears effectively or getting mountain biking skills. There is a short video (TikTok or Instagram reel depending on your age) of a small child laying on the ground with one parent walking away holding their bike with the narrator offering someone big bucks to just teach their kid how to ride a bike. I wished I’d known about this too, but mine could have used it back then big time! For more information on the classes offered in Edmonds, you can visit Pedalheads.com.

— By Jennifer Marx

Jen Marx, an Edmonds mom of two boys, is always looking for a fun place to take the kids that makes them tired enough to go to bed on time.



  1. Jennifer, I read your “what to do with kids” articles with anticipation and delight! ( alas, our grandchildren are currently out of town) nevertheless, I appreciate your suggestions for the “littles/ and not so littles.

    I have a suggestion for the uptown market that you may be able to pass along to those who make decisions:

    I recently visited the uptown market near highway 99 and greatly enjoyed seeing a few booths (jewelry, lovely produce, others that are usually at the Edmonds Market.) I really enjoyed a beet salad from the vegan food truck. Fabulous! But there was nothing else to hold me there.

    I wonder if a bounce house for kids (and adults with good knees ) or face painting, etc might be deployed for families to enjoy and hold them a little longer. Live music would be lovely as well.

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