The Edmonds Waterfront Center is offering the following programs and workshops for seniors this summer:
Social and Recreational Programs
Trips and hikes have returned. For more details view the July/August issue of the center’s newsletter and follow this link to sign up.
American Movie History – A different film each week. Films have sound (there are also subtitles) and feature actors such as Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn, Irene Dunne and Maurice Chevalier. Meets on Tuesdays at 1 p.m.
Intergenerational Book Discussion Group meets on Zoom the last Thursday of the month. The club is on break for July, but the featured book for Aug. 25 is Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
No Fear Art Classes – new sessions start July 13, 14, 15. New portraits class added.
Smart Phone Basics – Free class offered Thursday, July 28 at 1 p.m. Space is limited so RSVPs requested.
South County Walks return Tuesdays beginning July 12. Meet outside at the grass circle, group departs at 9:30 a.m. Click here for online registration.
Spur – A unique and original game that will challenge checkers and chess board game dominance. Spur is “Easy as Checkers, Endless as Chess.” Meets on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. starting July 13.
Weekly Writer’s Group returns Mondays starting Aug.1 at 10 a.m.
On break for the summer: Clogging, Conversational Spanish, Couples Country Dancing, German Club, Rolling Crones Singers and Senior Swingers Orchestra — all return in September.
Health and Wellness Programs and Workshops
Prescription drug assistance program offered on second and fourth Fridays.
Your Life/Your Wishes – Guide to Developing an Advanced Care Directive will be offered on Thursday, July 21.
Processing Loss workshop will be Wednesday, July 27.
Vision and hearing screening available on Wednesday, Aug 3.
Pop Up Blood Drive returns Aug. 18-24. Follow this link to schedule your donation.
Protect Yourself from Fraud and Identity Theft workshop offered Tuesday, Aug. 23.
Aging Mastery Program returns for a five-class session starting Thursday, Sept. 8. Sign up opens Aug. 15.
Welcome to Medicare (Zoom) presentations offered several times a month. Learn more and register here.
Mindful Breath and Movement classes return in August. Now offered Monday and Friday 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Gentle Yoga will be offered on Tuesdays starting Aug. 2. Registration opens July 15.
Register online or call 425-774-5555 for more information.
Members receive discounts on classes and trips: Sign up for membership or renew online.
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