Letter to the editor: Stop useless political mailers


The Washington State Primary Election is in full swing. As we should all know, the top two vote-getters in each position will move on to the General Election in November.

We have been receiving a half dozen postcards criticizing an incumbent running for the state Legislature from various PACS (political action committees). There are only two people running for that position in this Primary Election, therefore I can’t understand why money is being spent by the PACs on designing, printing and mailing costs for these negative mailers. It seems to me that the PACS must have too much money if they can spend the funds now, as it won’t make any difference in who will be on the General Ballot in this particular race. Just wait till the General Election, I’ll be able to heat my house with the amount of paper I’ll be receiving in the mail.

You could say that it’s all about marketing. Get the negative ads out now so you can remember not to vote for that candidate when it really matters. Personally, it has the opposite effect on me. If the PACS have that much money and it’s obvious that money is supporting the other candidate, it makes me concerned about either candidate. Please save a tree and stop useless political mailers!

Robert Linder
  1. So since I don’t know, should I consider the incumbent the preferred candidate? I might say the new person might be less effective at a direction the same direction as the incumbent. So it’s lose lose to me what is the greater loss?

  2. Amen, Robert Linder. You are kind to say these maulers are “criticizing.” They are a downright nasty smear that seem to want to create fear and hatred. Disappointed that the other candidate hasn’t condemned them. This kind of political activity is beneath us. If the only way one can win or promote a candidate is to attempt to smear the other candidate, one has to wonder if they really have anything to offer. So tired of this kind of politics !

  3. I too find that political mailers often have the opposite effect on me, and see them as waste of money, time, and paper, and view it as immature to make another person look bad in the attempt to make yourself look good. Running for office is not a popularity contest.

    Instead, tell me about yourself, what you believe in, relevant information about what you’ve done, and your plan for change. For example, have an idea of how we might minimize crime rather than just saying that you support hiring more police.

    I’ll vote for leaders who are passionate and have ideas for bringing about change.

    1. The mailers have no effect on me because my mailbox is about 15 feet from my recycle bin. The mailers never even get looked at. It’s a win-win strategy; no waste of my time and a waste or their time and money to put them out. Ditto your last sentence, Theresa. Our two party system is a curse on common sense and doing the right things for the right reasons. It promotes the election of egomaniacs and general self serving opportunists, making it hard for real public servants and statesmen and women to get elected to public service. It’s created an elite class of professional legislators that serve rich oligarchs and special interests, rather than the people who actually elect them.

    2. I agree too Theresa, A waste of paper. I do not look at them either. Like Clint I throw them in re-cycle before I enter house. I hate them on my porch too. I use the Voter Pamphlets we received and research from there. I read every detail and form my opinion that way. I really don’t speak to anyone about these things. Its all out there if ya dig. And I found the pamphlets to be very helpful and seeing what others are trying to get etc tells me where they fall politically. R or Far R or Dem or Far Left. I inquire about judges thru private people we know. So I have voted and mailed it days ago. Now we wait and see. Good luck may the most reasonable person win. HA

      1. Another thing I do, Deborah, is carefully look at who or what groups write the rebuttal statements in the voter’s pamphlets. Sometimes I even google the names and organizations making statements to see how they have been active on other people or issues. Lot’s of times you will find groups call themselves names that suggest a viewpoint that is totally different than what they really stand for.

        1. Yep, I still have my voters pamphlet. I checked who I voted for just in case ha. Some I knew for sure some were harder as I knew so little. But I so agree. You just can not be to thorough these days I believe. Thank you Clint Wright. I appreciate it and I will heed to it always. Deb.

  4. Front page story in July 30 Seattle Times that these PACs have so far spent $3 million on attack ads (TV & I assume the emailed junk we are receiving daily) so far. One PAC, WA Wins, has spent more than $1 million attacking Dem candidates for state Senate. ” WA Wins is 100% bankrolled by The Leadership council, a PAC associated with the state’s Repub caucus…in turn mostly funded by natl GOP orgs & by corps…Google, Amazon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Chevron & Walmart.”

  5. On the plus side, I’ve had a hard time understanding the political views of the non-incumbent candidate beyond a few specific issues, and after getting these ads I have a much better idea of where they stand.

  6. Agree with Mr. Linder wholeheartedly. I may have looked at the first one of these that I got, but now there have been so many, and all of them exactly the same, that it goes from my mailbox directly into my recycling bin. If I want to learn more about a candidate, then I will research online.

    I also have it on good authority that these mailers have become a big annoyance to our local mail carriers and have slowed down mail deliver significantly in recent weeks.

  7. Thanks for the heads up on that group Annon. Third party’s have never caught on here, but there is a first time for everything. We have to somehow get back to honest open discussion and compromise, or we are done as any sort of democracy. I just finished reading American Schism which is the best explanation of how we have arrived at this point and what is needed to move beyond it I’ve seen. It’s based on actual ideas and quotes from our Founders from their time and who influenced them, rather than myths and opinions. I highly recommend it to all commenters here, regardless of which way they lean politically.

  8. I have received several of these “attack” mailers and I find them interesting. They outline the voting record of an incumbent in more detail than I probably would find if I searched for them myself. So, in that way they are informative. In addition, if they were false, it would be easy to disprove them; the voting record is available to all. Certainly the incumbent would make sure everybody knew they were false if that were the case. It seems to me that knowing the voting record of an incumbent is key to deciding whether or not to reelect that person.
    It would appear that at least some of the objections to these mailers are that they are true and supporters of the incumbent find that truth inconvenient.

    1. Thank you gerald. Points well made. What are they trying to say we are so gullible that we can’t make good decisions based on available information?

    2. Hi GB, it is always interesting to see how our legislators voted on various items. At the general election we often see those “advisory votes” and they showed how all the elected voted and their party affiliation. Looking at those votes it is often along party lines, but some measure have lots of cross over voting as well. These are often telling it that they show what the respective parties seem to be supporting.

      Looking at the “candidate messages” it too often filled with nice statements but no details.
      1. I want to fully fund X. Is it under funded now? Where will the money come from and will it require eliminating funding something else to fully fund? Candidates seldom provide any detail to help us understand the full position of the candidate.
      2. I want to help working families?? Does that say the other candidate does not want to help working families? What does that kid of statement mean?
      3. I support pubic safety. Does the other candidate Not support public safety?

      Campaign statements always are intended to grab a talking point but have little specifics of how to accomplish it.

      I would like candidates who say the want to do X to say how they plan to pay for it. Raise taxes, defund some other program? Tell us their plan!

      Here is a question I would like all candidate to answer. “Do you feel Wash Tax laws are regressive? Please explain. If you feel they are regressive, then how would you propose to change our tax laws? Would you add some form of new tax, change the existing taxes? Give specifics.

      Campaign messages do not give votes enough information to adequately understand a candidate’s position.

      In the past I have sent messages to candidates who say talk to me, I will respond, but in reality ignore questions that are trying to fully understand a candidate’s position. No response, to me should generate a NO vote for that candidate.

      1. Mr. Haug, I agree with your criteria. Based on your formula, our current elected leaders in Olympia and their communication responses to email questions , should receive “no” votes. Also, it is getting exceedingly difficult for some of us who try and vote for the right person in our view not just party. Not sure if we are a minority, dinosaurs, or extinct but that’s what we try to do.

        Seems more difficult to vote for any candidate when they won’t answer with facts and specifics or negativity enters the campaign and clouds the choice. Thank goodness for the write in. Seems to be the choice in some local races more and more.

        1. MM, I am hoping there will be some candidate forums before the general election. In the past moderators have asked some really great questions and great follow ups as well. The questions relating to taxes are generally quite interesting. Regressive or not? How would a candidate fix? Income tax or not? The interesting thing about an Income Tax for the state was decided in the 1930s and reaffirmed by several Attorney Generals since that time. AGs who were/are Rs and Ds have reaffirmed the Wash SC decision of the 1930s. Income can be taxed like property, at a uniformed rate. Over the years the Seattle Times printed articles showing how a uniform property tax would substantially shift the burden of taxes from high earning folks to low earning folks. The D’s proposed the capital gain tax and it is back in the courts. The R’s seem only to say, “No” to any new tax but offer little to show how to improve on the regressive aspect of our current tax system. It could be that both stated positions are not the best of our state??

  9. Actually, the mailers I’ve gotten haven’t been from incumbents. i agree that some think is that we are so gullible that we can’t make good decisions based on available information. And at times truth takes a while to find.

  10. I voted for Mike Nelson because I thought his seeing the light on the ill advised placement and “emergency” nature of the Connector was a good sign that he had the best interests of the people of Edmonds at heart. He seemed fairly non-partisan to me (I was obviously naive) and anxious to hear from everyone in town about how to run the town for the benefit of all.

    Similarly, at the state and national levels, I have voted for Dem.s on social issues, thinking they would be for a rational and responsible approach to the homeless situation and seeing that the police were funded well in the right areas for them to make and keep us safe. I did not see “de-fund the police” coming, which is about the dumbest political shout out and attempt to appeal I’ve ever seen. “Reform the police” might have worked a little better for the Dem.s, but the laws they pushed thru regarding police work in our state are highly suspect as to working for either the police or the society.

    On the flip side, I’m really concerned about the Republican call for law and order and more people cages with longer sentences as a cure to our current social ills. I’m also concerned about the Republican propensity to want to get into people’s personal lives and personal decisions and forcing one view of what religion should or shouldn’t be on everyone.

    All I know for sure is the two party system does not serve us well and we are not getting the best and the brightest people in politics as a general rule. I’m an almost 80 year old man and would have no business being Mayor, let alone President, yet our two candidates for the highest office in the land were almost 80 year old men. What does that say about us and our system of choosing leaders. Maybe age limits and more term limits would be a good place to start. Just some thoughts.

    1. The shouting match is almost over for a short while anyway I hope discorce over the Last couple of years has led to a large voter turnout and a rejection of the status quo

  11. Thank you Gerald! My sentiments exactly! For those of you who don’t care about Marko’s voting record, I wish you were not allowed to vote! The reason being, you are the reason we are in the mess we are in! If Marko voted to release felons and let violent criminals and child predators back out on our street’s then that’s on YOU! If you’re ignorant enough to vote for raising taxes with any candidate who loves to tax the middle class to death (literally) as being done now, then I guess we all pay the price for your ignorance. Please stop voting, you make it bad for the rest of us!

    1. What a diatribe! Civics class needed?
      – For those of you who don’t care about Marko’s voting record, I wish you were not allowed to vote!
      Sounds pretty much like dictatorship to me; or the old Soviet system. Not sure if this aligns with the American way. And what if we do care, but agree?
      – The reason being, you are the reason we are in the mess we are in!
      Assertions are not facts, and strangely, opinions do differ.
      – Marko voted to release felons and let violent criminals and child predators back out on our street’s
      Can you point to a case where he voted specifically to release any violent criminal or child predator back onto the street’s [sic]?
      – If you’re ignorant enough to vote for raising taxes
      Can you let us know the IQ/educational level you require for voting?
      – with any candidate who loves to tax the middle class to death (literally)
      I don’t know of any candidate who “loves” to raise taxes; some of us feel that taxes are needed to cover things we need or want or vote for; all classes are taxed except the very poor; I’m middle class and not dead yet (literally or figuratively). Perhaps you can point to some relevant deaths that prove your point?
      – then I guess we all pay the price for your ignorance.
      See above re: ignorance; and in a democracy you don’t always win, but you agree to abide by the public decision.
      – Please stop voting
      No. It’s my right as a citizen.
      – you make it bad for the rest of us!
      See above re: assertions; and some might feel that your way might make it bad for the other rest of us – see “democracy.”

  12. Yes, by all means, let’s pass a law that only people who agree with Cynthia should be allowed to vote. That will solve everything. We really need one party and one man rule to make it all safe and wonderful for everybody here. We’ll just put everybody who isn’t fit to be here, or who doesn’t think and speak “right” in the slammer.

    I think I’ll just vote for the person who seems to me to have the best ideas to solve the problems. I think this time around that may not be Marko for me, but that doesn’t make everyone or anyone who votes for him unfit to vote. Majority rules and all who have citizenship should be allowed to vote. Anyway, that’s how it’s supposed to work.

    1. Clinton, you’re such a radical! 🙂 The right to vote and the right to vote for the person you think best suited for the job? Where will it end? 🙂

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