Reminder: Next Climate Action Plan open house Aug. 11 at Edmonds Lutheran Church

The City of Edmonds is hosting its second Climate Action Plan open house from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11 at Edmonds Lutheran Church,, 23525 84th Ave. W.

During the past two years, the city has been working to inventory its greenhouse gas emissions to inform and develop a Climate Action Plan. The plan contains strategies and actions to reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions generated in Edmonds, while preparing the community for future climate change impacts.

This meeting will provide a repeat of the information provided during the July 28 open house at the Edmonds Waterfront Center. (See our story on that meeting here.)

Visit to learn more about the the plan process and project materials.

Refreshments and a coloring activity for children will be provided.

    1. Otherwise known as Rent Seeking.

      Having read and summarized the Schumer-Manchin Bill, I am confident that the Bill’s spending will do nothing to the alter anything adverse with the climate. Renewables developers will love it; manufactures of renewable energy goods will love it too. Banks and pension funds will love it. The money will be spent and little or anything will change other than we will be deeper in debt, China and various European vendors will prosper selling us what we won’t manufacture ourselves. One day the money will run out and we will have left our children with huge debts, poor educations and landfills full of PV solar panels and wind turbine blades. What should we do – use our abundant natural gas resources (in an environmentally responsible manner) and nuclear power; that and temper our demand for energy.

  1. Do all of the planning and inventory of greenhouse gas ( AKA CO2,AKA foundation of life on earth ) that makes your little hearts sing. Just stay away from my wallet and personal freedoms please.

  2. I’m all for sensible actions in relation to slowing down climate change. I did my part by going from a 20ft. fishing boat with a 115hp four stroke motor to a 14ft. boat with a 25hp. four stroke motor. That makes me slower and less safe but, hey, it’s for a good cause. Plus, my friend sold his big boat so I lost my ride and had to do something not to be stuck on the beach.

    On the other hand, I’m more than a little opposed to the city leaders doing meaningless and symbolic things like controlling what their constituents, whose interests they are supposed to be protecting, can or can’t do with their own trees. For years the city leadership promoted development and cutting down trees for views from large houses and condo’s on shrinking lots. Then they turn around and ban cutting down large trees to “save the tree canopy and the environment.” This is hypocrisy and discrimination at it’s most blatant, and it’s not going to do a damn thing to slow down global warming and sea rise issues that future generations are going to deal with in Edmonds.

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