Regarding the carts and trash by Family Pancake House Restaurant.
Many thanks to the person who has regularly removed the grocery carts from the bus stop and parking area. The carts would sit there for weeks and it was an ugly eyesore. The bus stop cleaners seem to be paying more attention to this spot and are cleaning up the trash and booze bottles.
Rave to you for fighting this filth.
Christine Koch
Please make sure to thank Sgt. Robinson of the EDP! He has regularly cleaned this stop and our surrounding neighborhood and has done more good for this area than anyone in a short time than anyone I can remember. I’ve already thanked him via the proper channels and you should too. And, I’m glad I’m not the only one to point out this stain on our city. This intersection in particular has been disgusting and filthy for years despite pleas to the city to do something. This is mainly due to one man and also Dan Gooding of code enforcement making sure private owners clean up graffiti.
Thank you for going the extra mile to make our community a clean and safe place for our families!
Pancake employees say the good samaritan is a senior female. Thanks to Sgt Robinson and Dan Gooding for their help.
That is good to know and super admirable (and concerning) that the way we keep our city clean is by assuming our seniors clean up public spaces. Good grief! There was a time where I got so sick of the state of that intersection that I was also doing it on my own, and then just realized I would be doing it every couple of days. I have a young family and work during the day and finally just threw my hands up in the air and realized this was not my responsibility to deal with. I also hear that maybe the city is trying to get a volunteer cleanup crew that they supply and support started up. Again – a bit of a copout of their own responsibilities. If this was down in the bowl – anywhere – it would be cleaned daily. Just saying. The city should also find out why the old 7-11 and even more so, the old McFinsters, remain off the market after many, many years. Both these locations bring crime and blight to our area.
While it’s too bad we need people like this to pick-up after those too lazy to walk their cart back to the store or find a trash can for their garbage, these types of selfless acts of kindness and caring are noticed and GREATLY appreciated! #keepedmondsclean!