Hatchery Manager Kaelie Spencer and Ed Barnes netting coho fry at Willow Creek Hatchery for teansport to creeks.
Diana and Rene Van Loveren naming each coho salmon released on their Perrinville Creek property.
Expert salmon releasers waiting their turn to place salmon babies in Perrinville Creek, one at a time.
Happy Sound Salmon Solutions staff after releasing coho salmon into Northstream Creek in Edmonds.
St. Thomas More School students taking turns releasing chum salmon into Willow Creek.
Releasing coho salmon at Boeing Creek restoration site in Shoreline.
Community volunteers are helping Sound Salmon Solutions to reestablish salmon runs in several creeks in and near Edmonds. Joe Scordino, project leader for the Edmonds Stream Team, reported that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife authorized the release of over 17,000 coho and chum salmon “babies” into Shell, Perrinville, Northstream, Willow, Shellabarger and Boeing Creeks this month.
More of the coho salmon fry at the Willow Creek Salmon Hatchery in Edmonds are scheduled to be released into upper Shell Creek in Yost Park on Saturday, May 27at 10:30 a.m. The public is welcome to come and observe.
Anyone wishing to participate can sign up (if volunteer slots are still open) on the Sound Salmon Solutions website here.
— Photos courtesy Joe Scordino
What a great program! Thanks, Joe, SSS and Stream Team!
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What a great program! Thanks, Joe, SSS and Stream Team!
Great job Joe!
Thank you Joe Scordino and Kaelie Spencer! It will be wonderful to have salmon restored in Perrinville Creek, the way it used to be!