A debate featuring the four candidates vying to be Edmonds mayor is scheduled for Thursday, June 22 at the Edmonds Waterfront Center, 220 Railroad Ave., Edmonds. The event is free, with no ticket required. It starts at 7 p.m., with doors opening at 6:30 p.m.
It will also be live-streamed and recorded for those who can’t attend in person. Visit the My Neighborhood News Network YouTube link here and click on the “Live” tab at the time of the event to watch the live stream. It will also be archived on the YouTube page.
Participants include incumbent Mayor Mike Nelson, Edmonds City Councilmember Diane Buckshnis, former Edmonds Senior Planner Brad Shipley and retired business owner Mike Rosen.
All four candidates will appear on the Aug. 1 primary ballot and the top two will advance to the Nov. 7 general election.
The debate is sponsored by Edmonds Civic Roundtable and My Edmonds News.
I sent my question via phone to
on Storm Water unfair billings.
both Diane and Mike Nelson WELL AWARE OF IT. I’ve been complaining since 2013.
Jean Holtrop
I submitted a question also:
The City’s website represents that the Code Enforcement Division of the City of Edmonds enforces regulations within the Edmonds City Code and the Community Development Code, generally through a complaint-generated system.
When a formal request for Code Enforcement is submitted by a citizen of Edmonds, what will you do as Mayor to see that that all laws and ordinances are faithfully enforced, and that law and order is maintained in the city?
What are the specifics for the live streaming portion of the debate please?
The debate will be live-streamed on the My Neighborhood News Network You Tube Channel under the “Live” tab:
Thank you for this Link MEN. Appreciated.
My wife & I plan to attend this event. Currently, I have petition into City of Edmonds re: a crosswalk at Firdale Ave. and 243rd Place SW.
Do you have to be a YouTube subscriber to access the live stream?
No you do not. Anyone can access.