Scene in Edmonds: Celebrating Pride Month — and a reminder of June 3 picnic

Photo courtesy City of Edmonds

June is Pride Month and the Progress Pride flag has been raised at Edmonds City Hall and will remain flying through the month of June. The flag has the rainbow along with brown and black stripes to represent racial diversity, along with pink and light blue stripes to include the trans community.

“This year, recognizing and showing support for our LGBTQ+ community is crucial as steps are being taken throughout our country to strip away their civil rights,” Edmonds Mayor Mike Nelson said. “Edmonds is a diverse city and we support all of our residents. We remain unwavering in our commitment to keep Edmonds as a welcoming place for our LGBTQ+ residents and visitors.”

The June 6 City Council meeting will include a proclaimation of June as Pride Month in the City of Edmonds.

In addition, Pride of Edmonds, which supports the LGBTQ+ community, is sponsoring its annual picnic from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 3 at Hickman Park, 23700 104th Ave. W., Edmonds.



  1. Are there any flags to raise for typical people who work, pay their taxes, raise their children, help their grandchildren, contribute to the community, and do not protest or demand recognition? Being a typical citizen who meet their responsibilities and contribute to the community is just not enough for a special flag. Thank God we still have the American flag to raise for the rest of us.

  2. Perhaps there are no flags for good people who quietly do their duty, but there are pride flags for those of us who somehow survived growing up LGBT in a society that told us we were wrong, unfit, and should not have the protections of the law in regard to employment, housing, etc. because of who we are. Medals are not given for doing what is required of all of us; those who “work, pay their taxes, raise their children, help their grandchildren, contribute to the community” are doing what is expected. LGBT’s do all those things too, despite prejudice, exclusion, and yes, violence.

    I take pride in not having committed suicide as a teen, and having built a career despite pervasive hostile prejudice.

    I salute the American flag as you do, but some of us have had to achieve the things you cite against monolithic, often brutal ignorance and prejudice, and for that, yes, we take pride and wave our flag in celebration having survived and achieved in the face of bias, slander and a level of rejection I hope “a typical citizen who meet their responsibilities and contribute to the community” will never have to experience.

  3. Hello, Gwen, and others who are troubled by the City’s raising of the progress pride flag:

    I work, pay taxes, and contribute to the communities in which I live and work. I fly the American flag at my home on Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day to honor those who’ve served the country I love.

    I’m also queer as a three dollar bill, and while I don’t think raising the progress pride flag over city hall will move the needle much as far as civil rights for folks in my community who continue to be harmed by discriminatory systems and conduct, and outright hate, I don’t see why folks look askance at this symbolic act. Queer folks aren’t taking anything away from you, nor do we want to. And the last time I looked, we weren’t getting anything special, rights or otherwise.

    A shout out to Nathaniel for your heartfelt post.

    1. 1st Kim and Nathaniel I am so sorry to hear That you have experienced This horrid prejudice and cruelty. I have no problem with the flag flown anywhere including Edmonds City hall. I had no idea that you were experiencing violence here in Edmonds. I believe you and I agree with you and that last paragraph Is so true too. Tell us, who care deeply as I do, and let us help you by defending and standing with you. Being friends with you and all that goes with it. It can’t hurt right. Love to you both from an old what ..straight lady who came from MO. There I knew many gay people and we loved our friends. All of them. Still do. So know that not all here feel any animosity towards you at all. And infact would love to know you better. XO

  4. I’ve grown up in Edmonds my whole life and am so happy to have returned here to Edmonds to set down roots. I’m queer, trans, and generally feel like the odd one out in my hometown, but it brings so much joy to see the city aiming to keep pace. I understand that some may look at the occasional equity given or honors shown as simple as flying a flag to disenfranchised populations as unfair favoritism. I’m honestly glad that those folks have likely suffered less discrimination, lack of opportunity, and other constant threats. Absolutely nobody deserves that!
    Looking further afield at my community under siege, forced with impossible decisions to flee their homes, to protect their children, or otherwise upend their lives, it’s difficult to feel pride in the institutions that allow for these things. I am proud of my community’s resilience in the face of opposition, here and elsewhere. I’m looking forward to the day when we no longer need to wear our pride like armor, but rather to truly and openly celebrate it like the party many of those outside the community believe it to be!

    1. I think Ziggy Fraker’s comment is quite well said. Hi Ziggy. I am happy you have come home. Hope to meet you sometime. You sure are very selfless it sounds like to me. Way to be. XO Deb.

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