Scene in Edmonds: Stream Team monitors Shell Creek

Edmonds City Councilmember Diane Buckshnis joined Edmonds Stream Team members from Edmonds-Woodway High School Sunday in their monthly water quality and habitat condition monitoring in Shell Creek. According to Joe Scordino, Edmonds Stream Team Project Leader, “Water quality was excellent, but the sediment accumulation in the lower creek will impair salmon spawning success this fall.”

  1. Edmonds is so fortunate to have high school students from Edmonds-Woodway and Meadowdale High Schools and community volunteers so dedicated to making the environment better for salmon and people that they’re willing to give up part of their summer vacation to get out into local creeks and the Edmonds Marsh.

  2. This was not a contrived photo op. for the mayoral campaign. Diane does this sort of thing all the time and has been for years. In the past when Joe Scordino went before the city Council literally begging for someone in power to take notice of the degradation and neglect of our watersheds, Diane was the only one who took real active notice and reached out to him to ask how she could help.

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