In a Thursday night virtual meeting, City of Edmonds Capital Projects Manager Ryan Hague gave updates and answered questions about the city’s Citywide Bicycle Improvements and Elm Way Walkway projects.
Along with sharing schedules and expected results when construction is completed in late November, Hague told attendees about parking during construction and detours.
Citywide Bicycle Improvements Project
Construction began this week on the Citywide Bicycle Improvements Project, with demolition for curb ramps at some intersections. Partly funded with a $1.85 million grant from Sound Transit, the project will add six miles of bike lane to connect existing segments.
“Anyone who has driven, walked or biked on our road network here in Edmonds knows that we have a whole lot of disconnected bike lanes,” Hague said. “The goal of this project is to bring all those together into one cohesive network.
Bike lanes will be installed on 100th Avenue West/9th Avenue North from 244th Street Southwest to Walnut Street, Walnut Street/Bowdoin Way from 9th Avenue North to Five Corners, and 228th Street Southwest from 78th Avenue West to 80th Avenue West.
A “sharrow” — arrows marking the portion of a street that cars share with cyclists — will be created on 80th Avenue West from 228th to 220th Streets Southwest.
Further, the bicycle improvement project will add crosswalks, flashing pedestrian beacons and curb ramps for the mobility impaired.
“We want to be thinking about folks who walk, folks who maybe can’t walk, and maybe they’re in a wheelchair or use a walker,” Hague said.
When the Citywide Bicycle Improvements Project is completed, parking on 100th Street and 9th Avenue will only be along the west side. Walnut and Bowdoin will only have parking on the north side. All parking spaces will be marked on the road.
No parking will be available on 100th Street south of Westgate and 228th Street.
Elm Way Walkway Project
The Elm Way Walkway Project, included in the 2015 City Comprehensive Plan, will construct 700 feet of new sidewalk, ADA curb ramps and stormwater infrastructure between 8th and 9th Avenues North.
Preliminary work begins in mid-September and is expected to be completed by late November. However, it is subject to change due to weather.
Hague said the eastbound lane of Elm Way would be closed during construction, weekdays 7 a.m.–5 p.m. and will have pedestrian detours.
The reason these two projects are intertwined is because of their timing. According to Hague, the city was able to get lower prices on materials by doing both projects at the same time. He said it’s like going to a wholesale store, where buying in bulk is cheaper.
The virtual presentation was then broken into groups, focusing questions on the Elm Way Walkway Project and the Citywide Bicycle Improvements Project.
For more information about the Citywide Bicycle Improvements and Elm Way Walkway projects, click here.
To contact a project manager, email or call:
Jaime Hawkins
Russell Lynch
Ryan Hague
— By Rick Sinnett
Excited to see these improvements, especially on 9th/100th where I will be able to ride more safely to QFC without weaving around parked cars and into traffic. Grateful to the planners and staff who pushed this project to the finish line, and to my neighbors along the route.
Thank you, thank you, for the Elm Way walkway! Pedestrians, kids, and dog walkers will be so much safer walking on the new sidewalk on Elm Way. This will be a much-needed improvement!
Thanks for the update. I look forward to better walking and cycling continuity in Edmonds.
Thank you, staff and council! This is awesome.