Aug. 29
23600 block of Highway 99: An unknown male stole food items from a grocery store.
18300 block of Highway 99: Police assisted another agency by doing a DRE evaluation.
22400 block of Highway 99: A traffic stop for no license plates leads to a failure to yield.
23600 block of Highway 99: Deli items stolen from a grocery store. The suspect located and arrested.
21900 block of Highway 99: A theft report leads to an arrest.
8500 block of Bowdoin Way: A child’s bike was stolen off a front porch.
20500 block of 86th Place West: A subject was arrested for violation of of protection order.
24100 block of Highway 99: An adult male was arrested for shoplifting.
243rd Place Southwest and Firdale Ave.: Credit card and identification were found and turned into the police department for safekeeping.
9000 block of 236th Street Southwest: An adult male resisted arrest, stemming from a felony warrant.
Aug. 30
23100 block of Edmonds Way: An adult male was booked into Snohomish County Jail for Possession of a Stolen Vehicle, Physical Control, and Making or Possessing Motor Vehicle Theft Tools.
20900 block of 76th Avenue West A victim’s vehicle was vandalized overnight.
400 block of 3rd Avenue South: A subject was observed unlawfully remaning inside a condo building. A charge for trespassing was referred to prosecutors.
22500 block of Highway 99: An unknown subject ran out of a local business, causing loss-prevention alarms to activate.
7600 block of 212th Street Southwest: Charges were referred on an adult male for fourth-degree assault.
24100 block of Highway 99: Two adult males stole merchandise and fled in a stolen vehicle.
24100 block of Highway 99: An adult male booked into Snohomish County Jail on charges of third-degree theft.
Aug. 31
7400 block of 196th Street Southwest: An adult male arrested on a outstanging warrant.
21900 block of of Highway 99: A male was arrested for stealing merchandise from grocery store.
9500 block of Firdale Avenue: An adult male got into an argument with his mother.
23700 block of 74th Avenue West: A citizen reported gift card fraud via phone.
22500 block of Highway 99: An adult male was suspected of theft of merchandise from retail store. No arrest was made.
23600 block of Highway 99: A male was trespassed from local business.
19100 block of Dellwood Drive: An adult male customer assaulted another adult male customer at a local store. The suspect fled and could not be located.
21400 block of Highway 99: Police assisted Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office with locating and attempting to recover a stolen vehicle in Edmonds.
Sept. 1
7900 block of 212th Street Southwest: A report was made of a male bleeding from his head next to vehicles involved in a collision.
180 block of Sunset Avenue South: An adult female was arrested and booked for attempted vehicle theft.
9900 block of Edmonds Way: A adult male fled from a DUI investigation, pursuit was initiated and terminated due to lack of resources.
700 block of West Main Street: A male lost his passport while traveling on the ferry. Passport has not been located.
24100 block of Highway 99: A male stole sweatpants from department store. He was contacted and cited for third-degree theft.
22800 block of Lakeview Drive: Police assisted another agency with a DUI arrest.
Sept. 2
23028 block of 100th Avenue West: An unknown suspect stole multiple propane tanks from a business. There was no suspect information provided.
8200 block of 242nd Street Southwest: The front license plate on a vehicle was stolen. Law enforcement took custody of the rear license plate.
20800 block of 76th Avenue West: A adult male entered an apartment without permission. When confronted by the resident, he apologized and left.
7800 block of 196th Street Southwest: An adult male assaulted a roommate, with charges being referred.
9800 block Edmonds Way: An adult male stole supplements from a business. He was also associated with an adult female.
21900 block of Highway 99: An adult male wa arrested for theft and booked into Snohomish County Jail.
22500 block of Highway 99: A silver sedan hit a pickup truck and fled from scene.
Sept. 3
20500 block of 77th Avenue West: A male was arrested for domestic assault.
2380 block of Edmonds Way: An adult male was arrested and booked for DUI and reckless endangerment.
16900 block of Meadowdale Beach Road: A male involved in an earlier domestic assault was arrested for DUI after crashing his car.
2410 block of Highway 99: An adult male stole from store and fled on foot. He was not located.
21900 of block Highway 99: A citizen located a firearm in business parking lot.
700 of block West Main Street: A public bathroom was vandalized. There is no suspect information.
Sept. 4
23700 block of 104th Avenue West: Graffiti was located at a park, there is no suspect information.
23600 block of Highway 99: A wallet was stolen from fitting room.
24100 block of Highway 99: An unknown male stole from a business.
19900 block of 76th Avenue West: Property containing drug paraphernalia was found.
24100 block of Highway 99: A adult male stole from a retail store. He was not located during an area check.
23500 block of Highway 99: An unknown caller reported a potential weapons offense that was determined to be unfounded.
23500 block of 78rd Avenue West: Mailboxes broken into by unknown persons.
23300 block of Edmonds Way: A car was broken into and its steering column destroyed. There is no suspect information.
23800 block of Highway 99: A male was given written trespass warning from a property at the request of the business owner.
Sept. 5
9700 block of Edmonds Way: A male sleeping in front of business was trespassed.
23600 block of Highway 99: A female who was suspected of shoplifting was given a trespass warning.
7300 block of 210th Street Southwest: A purse taken from unlocked vehicle. There is no suspect information.
23600 block of Highway 99: An unknown female stole a bottle of alcohol from business.
9/4 car vandal was at Edmonds Highland Apts … perps seen on office security camera damaging vehicle from 10:35p to midnight Another tenant was robbed at gunpoint in reserved parking spot by 2 perps at 2:45a Sat 9/9. There are no security cameras in the parking areas. Edmonds PD doing a fabulous job and security cameras are necessary in identifying and arresting these criminals.