Letter to the editor: Edmonds needs a change at the top


I have lived in Edmonds for 73 years and spent over 45 years as a professional working with over a hundred mayors in Washington.  I have worked with every Edmonds mayor over the last 35 years, excluding Mike Nelson. The best mayors were open and collaborative with their department heads and council members.  They were not overtly partisan. They responded to citizen inquiries and concerns. They did not have hidden agendas. Sadly, none of these qualities have been evident in our current Mayor Nelson.

Nelson does not return phone calls or emails, is seldom in his office and has acknowledged that he doesn’t engage or actively communicate with residents. During his term nine long-serving city department heads have left with years of experience being lost. Mayor Nelson abandoned his initial well qualified choice for police chief, Assistant Chief Jim Lawless, when he got pushback from certain councilmembers. Then he tried to appoint an unqualified candidate who had not been properly vetted. Nelson recently refused to attend a recent council meeting because he disagreed with a letter the council voted to send to the state asking for assistance with the restoration of salmon. Haven’t we had enough of this? Time for a change.

Mike Rosen deserves to be elected our new mayor. Mike will be open, honest and fair. His professional and civic service has proven he will create a culture of responsive service and leadership for the citizens of Edmonds based on civility, ethical behavior and respect.

Mark R. Bucklin

  1. Thank you for writing this letter, Mark; I agree 100% with it.

    I want to remind voters that this is a non-partisan election. If Mike Nelson wins the election it will be because some Democrats voted for him soley because he is a Democrat. Please vote for the better candidate – MIKE ROSEN.

    1. I find it funny that so many comments on the mayor’s race are reminders that the position is non-partisan. The reality is that people vote for a candidate because that candidate’s platform mirrors their own positions and beliefs. Yes, Ron W., people will vote for Mike Nelson because he is a Democrat just as people will vote for Mike Rosen because he is a Republican. I know Mike Rosen has gone to great lengths not to call himself a Republican but anyone who drives past the corner of 9th and Main can see who the Republican candidates are from the signs that are posted. The owner of the property only allows Republican candidates to put their signs on his property. The big Rosen sign on that corner makes it clear what party he is affiliated with even in a non-partisan position.

      1. Carol, in fact, Mr. Rosen would classify himself as a moderate Dem. But he fully recognizes the mayoral position in Edmonds is non-partisan and has committed to govern as such. I believe this is the type of leadership our citizens want.
        Dave Teitzel

      2. Wow! Is it not possible that a non-partisan candidate could appeal to both Democrats and Republicans. How can you possibly believe that the placement of a sign supporting a non-partisan candidate means that the candidate is a Republican (or Democrat). What a ridiculous way to judge the politics of a candidate! Have you spoken to Mike Rosen? Have you researched any of his past experience? Have you listened or read about his positions? And by the way, I strongly support Mike Rosen because his positions and qualities reflect the positions and beliefs that I share. Now, will you be telling me that I am a Republican????

      3. I consider myself a Republican. My wife considers herself a Democrat. We both voted for Mike Nelson. We will both be voting for Mike Rosen. I could go on and on. Need I say more, though? Associating an entire voting population based on one persons yard signs, and then assigning that to a candidate and their supporters in general because you happen to know this person it sounds like, lacks a bit of actual research and insight, and in this case, is just flat out incorrect. In all my interactions with Rosen, not once have I even been able to ascertain even an iota of his personal party preference nor do I care. He is clearly the right person for the job. Can’t wait for this election cycle to be over, and this is a good example of why.

      4. I should have said “some” Republicans and “some” Democrats will vote . . . I don’t believe that all Ds vote a straight blue ticket any more than all Rs vote a straight red ticket. I have learned this evening that the owner of the property at 9th and Main doesn’t allow just Rs to put signs in his property so I want to correct that statement. I was going on past elections and who had their signs there.

        1. Carol,

          Thanks for correcting your error. As far back as at least twelve years, the property owner has allowed candidates who were not registered Republicans to post signs there. I ran against the incumbent, a fellow democrat, in 2011, won the 21st Dems endorsement and also had Republicans who agreed with my platform doorbelling for me. I was grateful that the property owner you referenced allowed me to post my signs on his property.

          Joan Bloom, former Edmonds Councilmember.

  2. Hey Ron, how do you know that if someone wins the election it will be because some Democrats voted for him soley because he is a Democrat? Your reading partisanship into this is not helpful to anyone, even your candidate of choice. I’m so tired of people stereotyping me because of a party choice.

  3. It appears to me that here and nationwide many people who are registered as D or R are choosing to think outside those boxes. I am a registered Independant but for many years of my life I voted D. However now the waters are muddied by way too much fighting beyond the scope of what is necessary. So now I walk that line down the middle. The office I am voting for at any given time is researched and the candidates are researched. I vote for candidates not a party at all anymore. This way I feel we all have a better chance of keeping our political system honest, fair for ALL and hopefully affordable for all.
    When I first registered to vote I didn’t follow or know much about politics so when I saw the choices, I figured right down the middle was the right box to check. I think I made a wise choice for a very uninformed young woman. The beauty of our system is regardless of how we choose to check that box we can vote anytime, anywhere for whoever we choose…Freedom means freedom to make all of our own choices. Choices come with consequences. Good luck to all Candidates and may the most honest win.

  4. I see we’re now it that part of the Mayor’s race where people start making things up, evidence be damned.
    I’m voting for Mike Rosen because I believe he’ll be the better Mayor.

  5. Dave Teitzel, I agree that Mike Rosen is not a Republican. I met his wife, Sharon Howard, in 2016- or 2017 at Harbor Square. Up until 2021, pandemic, we, along with another gym partner, met monthly or more often for lunch. We shared our thoughts and opinions on many issues and topics. She shared that she and Mike were in favor of more affordable and subsidized housing, up-zoing single family properties, open borders- legal or illegal, that we U.S. citizens should provide housing, healthcare, education for all immigrants. They were great admirers of Jenny Durken, then Mayor of Seattle. Sharon’s daughter, Mike’s step-daughter worked for Jenny Durken. When their daughter, who is disabled (Mike commented on this in a comment in MEN) and ill, Durken was very kind, sent her cards, and visited her in the hospital. But aside from appreciating Durken’s kindness, they admired her policies – The Summer of Love, CHAZ. How do I know this? Because Sharon shared this with me and our other gym friend. I was trusted enough by them that they gave me the security code to their home when they went on extended vacations. So Dave Teitzel, call Mike a moderate Democrat if you choose. These are his beliefs as told to me. And yes, honesty is all areas and how candidates promotes themselves is paramount.

    1. I have had extensive personal talks with Mike Rosen. Do you believe four more years of Mike Nelson is tolerable or better than Mike Rosen? I do not. Rosen is not a Republican or a conservative, as I am. Nonetheless, I am willing to support him based on his pledge of non-partisan governance in a non-partisan office. Far better than our current Mayor can say.

  6. I am not worried about signs or party affiliation. Both are litter in local politics. I worry about endless tax schemes followed by pie in the sky rhetoric that chases the flavor of the week.

    Mayor Nelson owns the Ice Cream store of flavor of the week. I will give him his due, lately, we have not been labeled racists, we have not made the regional press, in fact, the mere act of Not hearing from the Mayor has made it a relatively peaceful existence.

    I volunteered with Mike Rosen on a non-profit board. I have never worked with a more open, honest, and inquisitive individual than Mike. His approach of asking questions, gathering feedback, positing an argument, and then working to consensus taught me a few things about my business. Feel free to ask away about my perceived pros and cons…

    Future Mayor Rosen couls be light pink or dark blue for all I care. As long as he is for intelligently and inclusively governing Edmonds, he has my vote. (Intelligent and Inclusive will be a welcome change instead of rhetoric and villification for being a citizen).

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