Letter to the editor: Why I’m standing by Mary Anderson for Snohomish County Superior Court Judge


I was delighted when my friend Mary Anderson decided to run for judicial office in Snohomish County. Mary is an excellent litigator, having successfully argued in front of the Washington State Supreme Court. Mary prepared for her aspirations by serving as a judge pro tempore in Snohomish County, where she lives. She did everything right before seeking this leadership role. I enthusiastically endorsed her.

I was shocked when I was asked to rescind my endorsement of Mary on the basis that she is secretly “anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ+.” I don’t think that those asking me to disavow Mary realize how long I have known her for. So I am going to take advantage of my long friendship with Mary to say the things in her defense that she cannot, under the Washington Judicial Codes of Conduct. (Canon 4.1(a)(12), specifically.) Mary’s critics are taking advantage of her strict adherence to the judicial codes to spread these rumors.

Mary was asked to speak at the Arlington Pride Parade. She was rated “well-qualified” by Q-Law, the WA LGBT Bar Association. And she was endorsed by the WA Federation of Democratic Women, Salish Sea Chapter. Why would someone who is anti-choice or anti-LGBTQ+ even seek those endorsements, let alone receive them?

I ask that the voters treat Mary with dignity. Mary’s detractors should consider how much courage it takes for a non-traditional candidate to stand for office in our county. Please visit www.electmaryanderson.com to learn more about Mary. My friend deserves fair treatment.


Jenna Nand

  1. Mary Anderson most recently came to my door and introduced herself, asking for my vote. Maybe it sounds a little corny but that sort of thing really counts with me. No sign of her opponent wearing out any shoe leather up to this point. Sure hope he doesn’t just assume he’s entitled to it. Superior Court Judge is a difficult and demanding job that should be totally without political influence. Sort of like our city elected posts are supposed to be.

    1. Why would someone wanting to be a non-partisan Superior Court judge seek Democrat organization endorsements? Seems wrong to me. Her opponent is a current working Superior Court judge which means he does not have alot of time to doorbell.

      1. You’re splitting hairs, as both candidates have garnered support from Dem groups. Republicans have also endorsed her, so she has support from both major parties.

      2. I don’t know Mark, but you could ask Judge Moriarty since he lists all the Democratic Party Districts as his endorsers; especially since that seems wrong to you for some reason. Years ago I worked in the Snohomish County Surperior Court system and I can assure you most of the judges then didn’t work week-ends expect on rare occasions; so the too busy excuse seems a little lame. Ms. Anderson does also work a day job or two as far as I can tell. When it comes to Superior Court Judges, they generally are appointed by Governors and/or run unopposed; so I’m impressed that Mary is working hard for it. She will probably get my vote as a result. No one is telling anyone who to vote for. At least, I’m not.

        1. I like that she actually lives in Snohomish County. Her opponent doesn’t, odd that this judicial seat is the only one without a residency requirement.

  2. In this particular case I don’t think the fact that one person lives in Snohomish and the other has worked in Snohomish pretty much exclusively in Snohomish is an issue. It was clearly pointed out that Judge Moriarty is just a few hundred feet from the county line and that that was chosen because his wife did work in King and he has relatives in Woodinville. He paid his taxes in Snohomish as he had a legal practice in Snohomish County also. I am not saying Mary isn’t worthy of office I just don’t think in this case it is an issue. I just think Moriarty has more experience dealing with the things going on here especially with the youth courts etc. Otherwise, it appears they both practiced the same type of law while attorneys. I wish you all could watch those interviews. All is explained in those pretty much. I don’t know who I will vote for to be honest. Neither of them have knocked on my door haha. They are both welcome here. This one honestly is a toss up for me.

  3. Jenna Nand. No one is picking on your friend. I suppose actually now that I have done some more research besides the interviews, that Mary actually might be the best choice for me. The reasons I will not state but yeah I will give her a chance and see if she can shake things up a bit. I btw do not tell others how to vote.. I say who I want and why to some degree. I will probably vote for Mary Anderson I am sure she will do fine with the youth courts etc. Maybe better. But I don’t know if in this county she can win. But that doesn’t matter I am glad she is trying and maybe we will see some significant changes with her.

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