Tree maintenance scheduled for 5th Avenue and Main Street this week

The oak trees are located at 5th and Main. (File photo)

Expect delays on Wednesday through Friday, Dec. 13-15, while Washington Tree Experts performs some much-needed pruning on the large oak trees that surround the four-way stop at 5th Avenue and Main Street, the City of Edmonds said.

The tree maintenance will include removal of deadwood and lightly thinning the tree canopies to allow for better light penetration and airflow. Low branches will be limbed off the buildings as well to help alleviate visibility issues. This maintenance work is essential for the long-term health of these iconic trees, the city said.

The planned work — authorized by the Edmonds City Council to be completed in 2023 — is taking place at this time because it’s when the trees are dormant and the leaves have fallen off, the city said. While the work is being completed, there will be flagging crews assisting in vehicle movement as well as spotters on the sidewalks to assist pedestrians in safely crossing and accessing local businesses.

The current work schedule is from 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. each day.


  1. Who is the rocket scientist that made the decision to close Fifth Avenue downtown Edmonds on three of the busiest Christmas shopping days and some of the most desired days to meet at all the restaurants with friends and family? You have 362 other days in the year to do this and you choose the busiest time when Fifth Avenue is decorated and the businesses would love to have parking. Did anyone think about how it impacts business owners? Who in their right mind makes these kinds of decisions??

    1. We asked why it was happening at this time and the answer we received was a repeat of what was stated in the press release: “because it’s when the trees are dormant and the leaves have fallen off.”

    2. In the middle of the week, you’re honestly that upset? Is there anything the City does that you approve of, or will that only happen once the new administration begins?
      This was likely a decision made by actual experts based on when personnel is available, equipment is available, when the trees are dormant, and when it’s not the busiest – like later afternoon or weekends. Edmonds Braintrust of Armchair Experts is really such an endless source of entertainment.

      1. As a charter member of the “Edmonds Braintrust of Armchair Experts” here’s some real entertainment for you. I say cut all the damn trees down with their constant mess of leaves and broken sidewalks, let the sunshine in, and bulldoze the traffic impeding and totally pretentious fountain out; while you are at it. When you are done with this; go up to Yost, clean up the streams and downed trees, and fix the bridges. There, Anne, I hope that makes your afternoon a little brighter.

        1. Indeed, Clinton, indeed. Your level of contribution is outstanding, I’m sure the City could cut several planning employees and replace them with you, gratis. I think there’s also another regular commenter who has appointed himself honorary City attorney and code interpreter extraordinaire. At this rate, we should be able to run our little burgh for free!

  2. There will be less leaves the end of December and less shoppers. I’m really beginning to question where has the common sense in the City gone when it comes to decision making?
    The new street striping on Ninth Avenue S. is a disaster and very confusing to drivers.

  3. What this town needs is lots more employees who actually do things and a lot less employees who plan things and hire consultants. Too many Generals and not enough Privates as they say. I agree with Anne LaMark, “I’m sure the city could cut several planning employees.” (But, please don’t confuse me with someone who wants a real job, paid or otherwise). I just want to help pay taxes to city employees to do actual needed city services; not plan crap development projects that are going nowhere and suck the public treasury dry for no good reason.

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