The public is invited to attend Mayor Mike Rosen’s 2024 State of the City address at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 28. The in-person event will be at the Edmonds Waterfront Center and will also be broadcast live via Zoom as well as on cable television channels 21 and 39.
“Unlike traditional State of the City addresses, my inaugural State of the City as Mayor of Edmonds will center exclusively around our city’s finances and the roadmap ahead,” said Rosen, who was elected in November and took office Jan. 1. “I am eager to share this information with community members.”
Doors will open to the public at the Waterfront Center at 6:10 p.m.
You can view the Zoom event here. The broadcast will be recorded and will be posted on the city website as well as on YouTube for later viewing.
Thank you Mayor Rosen for also making this available on zoom and on TV. So nice for everyone to be able to watch. Way to be.
Many of us would appreciate it if he would also communicate with the taxpayers about this comp plan update and how the new administration (known for being open, honest, transparent etc.) is planning to handle all of these controversial rezones. This is an issue that he should get out in front of. If he waits until the council has something to vote up or down it will be too late in my opinion.
I hope so too John. I know our new Mayor is settling in and I wish he hadn’t had to start off with so much controversy, but he did and now I hope too he will use the power he does have as Mayor of Edmonds to talk with the CC and the Planning Division about all we all have said here in our comments. I honestly don’t know how many of our CC members read the MEN. But I sure hope they do read as so much time is spent researching by so many of our citizens. I think you are all just fantastic and I am thrilled to see those who do live in the uphill as well as those who do not care about us all. It’s obvious and it is appreciated.
We know that one or two Council members have on occasion commented here on this platform. In my experience, going directly to the source is more likely to result in one’s concerns being noted. That means emailing EACH Council member directly and/or requesting an in person meeting. Or…showing up at Council meetings & hopefully offering comments. Hoping Council members will read thousands of words on this platform seems an ineffective way to reach their ears (and hearts).
Mike Rosen impresses me as one who communicates well. I suggest he urge City Hall to create a special Q and A website for the 2024 Edmonds Growth and Management Plan. I also encourage Committee members attend neighborhood meetings to answer questions. We all need to be on ‘the same page’.
I am looking forward to this event. I do hope that the Mayor addresses the GMA and how he is planning to address many of the citizens concerns. All leaders inherit issues and must chart a path – but it seems that we are being told that 13,000 is what we must plan for and 13,000 is set in stone. I do not get the math. Partnering with our other State Representatives to question these numbers could be an advisable approach – unless the Mayor comes out and tells us that this is the growth plan he agrees with, the numbers he agrees with, and he will march to that drum and instruct his staff and City Staff to do so as well.
I am also interested in seeing what KPI’s and metrics the Mayor is leveraging to measure fiscal enhancements and savings within the administration. Cuts come from the position of power – and that ain’t easy, but instead of a repeat of the past, some metrics, data, KPI’s etc would be helpful to see – sort of a finance dashboard for the people.
On another note, I hope they are serving beer at the event. Usually, when politicians speak, it helps to have beer, even though I do find Mayor Rosen insightful and informative in his speaking engagements.
Mr. Rosen, thank you for having the class and respect for your city not to charge to attend your State of the City address like the Mayor of Everett ($35). Even with Boeing as a sponsor (maybe they are as broke as the City of Everett). See you there. Thank you.
Hopefully this will be a look us directly in the eye and give us the straight truth on exactly where we are at financially and what we need to do to be in a better place, if that is where we need to be. I doubt the Mayor has a lot of choices beyond the usual three: 1. Cut personnel and/or services. 2. Put a property tax levy or levies for basic needs on the next ballot. 3. Sell long term municipal bonds and pay interest (i.e. borrow money). There won’t be any easy answers especially with all the wants out there and the state mandates surrounding supposed growth.