Edmonds Planning Board to review revised draft transportation element, Comprehensive Plan Dec. 4

Edmonds City Hall

The Edmonds Planning Board will review the revised draft transportation element of Edmonds’ 2024 Comprehensive Plan update as well as the overall plan during a 6:30 p.m. meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 4 in Edmonds City Hall’s third-floor Fourtner Room, 121 5th Ave. N., Edmonds.

You can also view the meeting remotely at this link. The meeting ID is 873 2287 2194 and the passcode is 007978. Or listen via telephone : US:US: +1 253 215 8782.

The complete agenda is available here.

  1. Every Planning Board meeting begins with a time for audience comments. This is when you can make a comment of up to 3 minutes about what you think the Planning Board should know about what you think. You are welcome. Today, the Planning Board is providing a final or near-final review of the proposed Comprehensive Plan.

    To see the documents that the Planning Board will be reviewing, click here: http://edmondswa.iqm2.com/Citizens/FileOpen.aspx?Type=1&ID=3957

    There is an up-to-date proposed Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map on packet page 189.

    The current Land Use Map includes an interesting innovation.

    The darker yellow is “Residential Urban Walkable”, defined on packet page 188 as
    “Primarily residential uses, with some small-scale neighborhood retail and services conditionally permitted.” That means that the retail and services would require conditional use permits.

    The lighter yellow is “Residential Low-scale” which is defined as “residential uses only.”

    The idea is that folks in South Edmonds could have things like corner stores, daycare centers, coffee shops, salons, gyms, therapist offices, and bakeries, as long as the operators got conditional use permits for their businesses. Folks in North Edmonds could not.

  2. Hi Nick and Thank you but I don’t know why but when I try the link in your comment it says can’t be downloaded due to security. Its working but it show me stuff about the RFA not about housing design etc. Am I doing something wrong? This is the first time I have had an issue with this and everything else on my machine is working perfectly and it is secure. I just thought you would want to know. Thanks though. Hope you are doing well Nick. Deb.

  3. Deborah,
    I see what you’re talking about: “File not downloaded: Potential security risk.” The concern there is that MyEdmondsNews serves web files with a more up-to-date internet protocol, https, while the City of Edmonds file server uses an older protocol, http. Jumping from https to http seems dicey to browsers.

    To reassure your browser that nothing dicey is going on, follow the link that My Edmonds News provided: https://edmondswa.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=4784, and then click on “Agenda Packet” near the top of the page.

    Sorry about the confusing instructions.

    1. Ok Thanks so much Nick. I will try that. I hope the meeting is going well I wanted to come this evening but I did need to watch the part II of CC meeting at 6. I am listening as I type to you. Ok back I go. I will watch this evenings planning board when you get your video up at a later date. One of the things I say when someone is a friend of mine is Love in Friendship. SO, Love in Friendship to you Nick Maxwell.

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