Edmonds council to consider a 6 PM start time and changes in committee structure during Jan. 14 meeting

Public Safety Complex

Among the items on the Edmonds City Council agenda for the Tuesday, Jan. 14 meeting is discussion about moving the start time of council meetings an hour earlier — to 6 p.m. Council President Neil Tibbott is also proposing that the number of council committees be reduced from three to two, with each committee having three members, rather than the current two.

On committee meeting days, scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month, “each committee would meet virtually for 90 minutes (at 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m.) and consider business items of all matters, not department specific,” Tibbott wrote in a memo included with the Jan. 14 council agenda. That differs from the current committee composition, with each of the three committees focused on specific city areas, such as public works and finance. Under Tibbott’s plan, agenda items that receive majority support on each of the two committees “may be forwarded to a city council consent agenda,” he explained.

In addition, Tibbott proposes etablishing a “Committee of the Whole” made up of seven councilmembers, with the council president serving as chair. This committee would meet virtually for two hours, starting at 5 p.m., and “consider items including finance, code updates, as well as other matters benefitting from council-wide presentation and discussion,” Tibbott said. “No final action would occur during this committee meeting, rather consideration of a future consent or full council agenda item.”

Other items on the Jan. 14 council agenda include:

– An update from the Edmonds Planning Board.

– A Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Proclamation.

– A resolution of appreciation to Councilmember Vivian Olson for her service as 2024 council president.

– An ordinance that would amend city code for apprentice requirements and bidder responsibility criteria on public works projects to comply with changes made by the Washington State Legislature.

– Extension of the interim finance director appointment.

The council meeting will be streamed live on the council meeting web page (where you can see the complete agenda), on Comcast channel 21 and Ziply channel 39. You can also attend or comment virtually via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/95798484261 or by phone at +1 253 215 8782. The webinar ID is 957 9848 4261.


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