Scene in Edmonds: Hair ice

Selena Bolotin shared photos of what she described as “a pretty rare nature phenomenon right now in forested areas called hair ice. Wikipedia has a good short summary of the conditions necessary — wet rotting wood, a specific fungus, low temperature range. The main trails in Southwest County Park on both sides of Olympic View Drive have numerous examples. It can look like a white fungus from afar, but is actually ice when viewed up close,” she said.

  1. These are definitely remarkable discoveries. I once encountered a log that just tiny needles of ice, looking like it needed a shave, but these are full blown and striking creations albeit evanescent. Great that you captured them. KOK

  2. I’ve lived here in the PNW all my life and still love seeing and learning about our beautiful region.
    Thank you for the fascinating photos and description.

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