How we met: Share your love story for Valentine’s Day

Dear Readers:

While attending a celebration of life event for Edmonds civic leader Mike Meeks, I heard the story of how he and his wife Katherine first met — which led to the couple’s 49-year marriage.

As attendees mingled after the formal program, I was amazed to hear people sharing their own “how we met” stories involving the loves of their lives. And so, I’d like to invite readers to do the same. Your story can be funny, touching, quirky, dramatic — anything you want to share. Include a photo of the two of you, if desired.

Please keep your submission to 150 words or less, email them to and we will publish some of them in time for Valentine’s Day.

— Teresa Wippel, Founder
My Neighborhood News Network


  1. Hi Teresa,
    What a fun idea to have a column about how couples met!
    Thanks for bringing back lots of special memories.

  2. Sandy was a Freshman and I was a Sophomore in college. We were on opposite sides of what was called the “Quad.” She was with her little sister, who was a premature baby who was born and stayed bald until she was about four. It was quite a contrast, the beautiful and classically college student with what I was to find out was her premature younger sister. I walked over to them and said, “Hi!!” Sally who would develop a full head of beautiful blond hair by the time she was five was the one who spoke up. A conversation began between the three of us. That was our start that leads to sixty years of a wonderful marriage! Sixty years of continued love at first sight has been very lasting!
    We have three sons and have now five grandchildren. Only one of whom is married. Our hope is to see great-grandchildren in the future.

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