We all have individuals who play an important role or have influence in our lives. I have often thought about the players who have influenced me. Of course, most of…
Between Assignments
Between Assignments: Meet my granddaughter, Savannah
Many of you have already met my granddaughter with my postings on Facebook. Others of you have probably heard my wife and I speak of my daughter Sarah, her husband…
Between Assignments: Remembering Slade Gorton
Over the past several days, the passing of Slade Gorton has been justly covered in all of the media. I have thought long about writing a personal view on Sen….
Between Assignments: Supporting local arts during the pandemic
Being in and around “the neighborhood” for decades, it has been marvelous for me to see the evolution of Snohomish County and in particular, South Snohomish County. One of the…
Between Assignments: 100,000
Stunning, simply stunning! How many of us are able to initially comprehend the loss of life of America’s citizens in that magnitude? The combined number of fatalities we have experienced…
Between Assignments: Caged at home
As has been my habit and necessity for years, I am up between 4 and 5 o’clock most days. I use the time to wake up, organize my day, answer…
Between Assignments: Unsettling times…
Here’s the first of an occasional “Between Assignments” column from Dave Earling, who recently completed two terms as Edmonds mayor. I say unsettling for a variety of reasons, not the…