Dear readers: Welcome to 2020. For me, it’s more than a number. It’s a milestone. For the past decade — with the stalwart support and encouragement of readers and advertisers…
From the Publisher’s Desk
From the Publisher’s Desk: Remember to thank a teacher
In my generation of journalists, nearly everyone I know was influenced by a great high school journalism teacher. Someone who lit a fire under us. Who saw some raw talent…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Gratitude
It’s hard to believe, but we are almost at the end of 2019. And what a year it has been. Since January, we have been recognized for our work in…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Musings from Nashville as our news network starts year 11
A week ago, I returned home from a whirlwind trip to Nashville, Tenn. — this year’s location for the annual gathering of Local Independent Online News publishers. I sit on…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Our virtual dust is starting to settle…
Dear readers: Thanks very much for your patience during the past week as we’ve been working out the glitches that occurred during our website redesign. We still have a few…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Grateful to be recognized, but…
Earlier this week, I was sitting with a group of women — all past presidents of a professional association that I’ve belonged to since college. We gather once a year…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Talk is easy. Listening is hard
A month ago, I had an opportunity to observe a group of people learning how to listen TO each other, rather than talking AT each other. It wasn’t easy. Jim…
From the Publisher’s Desk: The joy of being present
Before my grandson Reese was born, several friends told me about the joy of being a grandparent. I was skeptical — how could it be that special? Now, almost two…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Embracing the words of Fred Rogers
Imagine what our real neighborhoods would be like if each of us offered . . . just one kind word to another person. — Fred Rogers Last week, I was…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Let’s talk about transparency
During nearly nine years of covering Edmonds City Council meetings, I’ve heard many discussions by both elected officials and citizens about the need for government transparency. One of the fundamental…
My Edmonds News
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From the Publisher’s Desk: Pardon our virtual dust
Eight and a half years ago, I launched My Edmonds News with the goal of creating an online gathering place for people who live, work or visit here. The original…
From the Publisher’s Desk: We all can do a ‘little bit of good’
On Wednesday, I attended the YWCA’s 20th anniversary Snohomish County luncheon, featuring keynote speaker Naomi Tutu. The speech was amazing on many levels, coming from a Tutu, the daugher of…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Don’t count on Facebook to deliver your local news
Chances are, you saw this post first on Facebook before you read it here. Facebook drives a fair amount of traffic to our website. But that’s going to change, thanks…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Can you help me keep my New Year’s Resolution?
Dear Readers: We are about to start 2018, and for me personally, that means the start of nine years covering Edmonds via My Edmonds News. For local news organizations like…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Local graduates making a difference
Much has been written about today’s young people, and a lot of it hasn’t been terribly positive. Pampered. Spoiled. Unmotivated. Self-centered. The criticism goes on and on. But if the…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Why Net Neutrality matters to local news
It’s likely you’ve seen soundbites lately on Net Neutrality, and an upcoming FCC vote on whether to repeal it. Let me assure you that this is more than a national…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Are you supporting local news — or letting ‘others’ do so?
Many of you won’t read this. You are tired of my “sales pitch” for support. You are too busy to set up a recurring subscription. You figure — like so…
From the Publisher’s Desk: The legacy of Edmonds journalist Missouri T.B. Hanna
When Missouri T.B. Hanna purchased the Edmonds Review newspaper in 1905, men who owned the local mills weren’t impressed. They even mocked her for stepping out of a traditional women’s…
From the Publisher’s Desk: The art of the ask — and the reply
One of my favorite activities at the annual Edmonds Center for the Arts gala is the Heads or Tails contest. Common at many fundraising auctions, during this event participants are…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Saying farewell to the Sound Live Sports Network
A year and a half ago, I wrote a column about how our efforts to live stream local high school sporting events were being compromised by the Washington Interscholastic Activities…
From the Publisher’s Desk: All the news that’s fit to print post
I’ve been thinking a lot about print journalism these days, and what the future holds. I remember being 10 years old in my hometown of Ellensburg and creating my own…
From the Publisher’s Desk: As Mother’s Day approaches, a reflection on grandmothering
With the birth of my first grandchild a month ago, I’ve been thinking a lot about being a grandmother. I’ve also been pondering what it’s like to grow up without…
From the Publisher’s Desk: How you can support local news — and music students — at the same time
Exactly one month ago, I wrote about the ongoing challenges of local journalism, including how easy it is for individuals and businesses to support us through a regular subscription or…
From the Publisher’s Desk: We ♥ our sponsors
Let’s talk about love, shall we? It’s almost Valentine’s Day, after all, and there’s no better time to show some love to those who make online community news possible in…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Let’s get ‘ReadyTogether’
Many of you know that disaster preparedness is one of my favorite causes. Last spring, I worked with Snohomish County Fire District 1 and other organizations to sponsor a “Count…