On Saturday, the mail brought the usual assortment of credit card offers, a postcard notifying me of an upcoming retirement seminar (as if!) and a single envelope addressed to My…
From the Publisher’s Desk
From the Publisher’s Desk: It’s all about trust
Since starting My Edmonds News in 2009, I’ve attended numerous national seminars aimed at helping journalists become more entrepreneurial. In recent months, I have come to realize that much of…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Shopping on Prime Day? Make sure to use our link
Amazon Prime Day is this Tuesday, July 12. If you are planning to shop for deals on that day — or on any day — here’s a reminder to use…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Thank you!
Dear Readers: Since I made my appeal last week asking for voluntary subscriptions to My Edmonds News, MLTnews and Lynnwood Today, I have been gratified by the responses. I have…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Anyone want to buy a website?
While this title is a bit sensational, it is in part, true. My Edmonds News and sister sites MLTnews and Lynnwood Today, are “for sale.” Let me explain. This October,…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Jesse Jones takes on WIAA sports broadcast issue
A few months ago, I wrote about my growing frustration with the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association, which governs high school sports in Washington state. See: From the Publisher’s Desk: The…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Overcoming the ‘b’ word
The “b” word is a euphemism generally used to replace a profane word starting with the letter b. — Wikipedia No, I’m not talking about that word. It’s this word….
From the Publisher’s Desk: Are you ready?
Last year, one of our readers made a comment that got me thinking. It was after a wind storm hit our area particularly hard, uprooting trees and knocking down power…
From the Publisher’s Desk: The WIAA’s takeover of high school athletic broadcasts
Let’s be clear. I am certain nothing will change as a result of this column. Everyone tells me so. The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association, which governs high school sports in…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Comments and commentary
A few months ago, I was meeting with a group of writers and photographers and we were discussing all the ways that journalism — and especially print journalism — has…
My Edmonds News
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From the Publisher’s Desk: Proud to be part of the revolution
Here I am, the Sunday before Thanksgiving, reflecting on the past two months. Yes, it HAS been that long. While I committed to writing this column regularly, life does at…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Happy Birthday to us – six years old today!
Six years ago — on Oct. 1, 2009– I pushed the “Publish” button and My Edmonds News was born. My first story was encouraging registrations for the 5K Street Strut…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Sharing some Edmonds love
Ten days ago, my son Ian tied the knot with the love of his life, Carly. It was a beautiful outdoor ceremony at Leifer Manor in Marysville, and while the…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Our place in history
As you’ve probably heard by now, Edmonds is celebrating its 125th anniversary next Tuesday, Aug. 11 — complete with an afternoon of live entertainment, a time capsule dedication ceremony, cake…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Beyond 5 Ws and the H
This Friday, I’ll drive to Ellensburg for my high school reunion. I can’t comprehend it’s been 40 years since that rite of passage, which launched me out of my small-town…
From the Publisher’s Desk: What I’d say to my dad
My dad didn’t finish college, but that didn’t stop him from becoming a successful small business owner and community leader. He died in 1991 at the age of 81. I…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Walk this way
Ever since I moved with my husband to the Lake Ballinger neighborhood nearly 30 years ago, the scenic road that winds along the Edmonds side of the lake has played…
From the Publisher’s Desk: No exit strategy here
Last week, an acquaintance of mine from North Carolina, publisher of two online community news sites there, surprised the online publishing community when he announced that, after nine years, he…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Everyone needs a dugout
My son played baseball from T-ball through college, and I became very familiar with the camaraderie that developed among the players sitting in the dugout. Not only did those players…
From the Publisher’s Desk: There’s no place like home
A sense of community. When I describe to people why I love living in Edmonds, that’s the phrase I return to. People really do, as a rule, take care of…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Connecting the dots
I used to be a busy parent of young children and I remember the juggling act between working full-time, preparing meals, helping the kids with homework, driving them to sports…
From the Publisher’s Desk: The small-town lesson I live by
On Sunday, I had lunch with publishers of two other Puget Sound-area online news sites: Exit 133, which covers Tacoma, and the West Seattle Blog. Both of these news websites…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Readers who rock — and let’s keep it rolling
It’s been three weeks since I made my confession about “the lousy job I do” — including my past failure to ask readers to support us through a voluntary subscription….
From the Publisher’s Desk: It’s a marathon, not a sprint
I’m not sure who coined that phrase, but it’s one of my favorites, along with “It’s not how you start but how you finish,” and “You never learn anything in…
From the Publisher’s Desk: No foolin’ — we appreciate your support
Since I wrote my column last week about what a lousy job I do, I have been gratified by the response from those who have signed up for monthly or…