For the past five years, I have been able to wake up each day and say, without reservation, that I love my job. I’m able to write about the community…
From the Publisher’s Desk
From the Publisher’s Desk: March madness (basketball and otherwise)
Earlier this month, the Edmonds School District watched yet another of its high school teams bring home a state championship. The Lynnwood Royals girls basketball team March 7 did what…
From the Publisher’s Desk: llamas, that dress — and what our readers told us
The power of social media continually amazes me. Thursday, I received a text message from my 22-year-old daughter, working in Washington, D.C., asking if I had seen the now-viral YouTube…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Musings from my neighborhood, a reminder to take our survey,
As I look out my window to Lake Ballinger, watching kayakers glide across the water on this gorgeous mid-February day, I am reminded of what a glorious place Edmonds is….
From the Publisher’s Desk: Reader survey, state of city and saving lives
As we enter the second week of February, I have to keep checking the calendar to make sure we are still in the middle of winter. My bulbs are already…
From the Publisher’s Desk: What’s in store for 2015
Several months ago, I pledged to start writing a regular column — and I failed miserably at keeping that promise. I’m making another attempt, and this time, I hope to…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Citizens of Edmonds, it’s your government — time to speak your mind
With public distrust of Congress and politicians in general at an all-time high, it wouldn’t be surprising if citizens of Edmonds would prefer doing just about ANYTHING besides attending a…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Relax now, as there’s a busy week ahead
For those of you who take Labor Day as a holiday — and I hope you do, as that’s the idea, right? — be forewarned that the rest of the…
From the Publisher’s Desk: A chilly challenge, thanks to volunteers, Little League recognition
On Sunday, My Edmonds News writer/photographer Larry Vogel and I were treated to a brisk bucket of ice water over our heads — all for a good cause. We were…
From the Publisher’s Desk: What Little League dreams are made of
In the past, I’ve tried — and failed — to make a publisher’s column part of my regular routine. I was inspired though by a reader who — like me…
My Edmonds News
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From the Publisher’s Desk: Help us do MORE — subscribe today!
Why do you read My Edmonds News? What one thing would you change, if you could? Those were among the questions I posed to all of you in a reader…
From the Publisher’s Desk: What we have on our plates these days (hint — it’s a lot!)
As the Fourth of July draws near, I have to confess this is my favorite time of year in Edmonds. Not only does the weather become more predictable (although admittedly…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Social media, local teens and trouble
Last night, a Seattle radio station aired a report about three of our local teens who made poor choices that may haunt them for a lifetime. Since then, I have…
From the Publisher’s Desk…
Welcome to the redesigned My Edmonds News! We hope you enjoy features of our new look, which we think serves both our readers and our advertisers better. – Mobile-friendly. Now,…