1. I wish to thank the Chamber of Commerce for the candidate forum they hosted at City Hall this last Monday evening. I heard a new word from one of the mayoral candidates that I do not believe I would be able to find in a dictionary. Today I received in the mail a flyer in support of this candidate with one statement on the front: “I will not Seattlize Edmonds.” After the Monday forum, when I asked the candidate what he meant by that word, he characterized it as “Tribalism, divisiveness and the homeless problem” as what he does not want to see in Edmonds.
    Letters I have read in this news outlet and elsewhere from people claiming to support this candidate seem to me to exemplify tribalism and divisiveness, the very attributes he claims he wants to keep out of Edmonds.
    I went to each of the mayoral candidate websites to find out more about what they propose to do and, more importantly, to find out more details of what each has already done for the city they each would like to lead. When I have been in a position to hire in the past, I learned that past behavior is the best predictor of future performance.
    On one candidate’s website the only references to accomplishments during many years served on advisory committees, boards and the city council are vague references to walkways, relieving traffic congestion and increasing economic activity. This is the same candidate who went around behind the council in an attempt to undo a decision to protect what is left of our unique environmental treasure, the Edmonds Marsh, from further incursion by business construction. To me, that Is the antithesis of integrity and leads me to question how well this candidate can be trusted to uphold the will of the council.
    On the other hand, Mike Nelson can point to a number of initiatives he has launched that have been adopted by the full council. Those accomplishments could not have been achieved without collaborating with the entire council. One person acting and voting in isolation cannot make that kind of difference. Mike Nelson listens to and speaks for citizens from all of Edmonds, not only a select few. His campaign has been focused on issues, ideas and actions rather casting aspersions on other candidates. My mother used to tell me there are three fingers pointing back at you when you point at someone else.
    The candidate whose integrity and behavior point to being the best mayor of this city is clear to me. Mike Nelson is my choice for mayor of Edmonds.

  2. I voted for Vivian Olson for Council seat 5. I did that because she is the most qualified for the position. She has lived in Edmonds for a long time. She has raised her family in Edmonds and participated in every day Edmonds, for along time. She is a Veteran! She understands that we are going to go through some serious changes and she, and 60% of those that voted , believe she was and is our best representative. Its disturbing to see the comments that insinuate that all of us who voted for her are somehow racist. They use the word progressive, but they mean racist. That we didn’t elect a person of color for any reason other then they were not the best candidate, I’m offended by that. I don’t see myself as racist for voting for Ms. Olson. I do see myself as a 40 year resident and participant in this town, whose vote along with man others was intended to put the best representative in place to deal with the changes that are coming. I voted for Vivian Olson because she belongs where 60% of us put her. Why is it that her opponent and her supporters can’t respect that?

  3. Re: Making masks at home
    Could Brian Potter share his info. re: making masks for workers? Since he has already done the research, providing a pattern and and needed info., i.e.best fabric, etc. in the “News” would short cut the work for those of us who would like to get started. I have a brother who works in a grocery store and the employer is not providing masks for workers.

  4. Now would be a great time to donate/subscribe to our local independent news sources: MyEdmondsNews.com and the Edmonds Beacon. I’m guessing that advertising is likely dropping during this difficult time – although our collective pocketbooks are all hurting, let’s please not forget that our local news sources are essential and require support to keep us informed (and hopefully collaborative!). I’m sure any amounts would be appreciated- we’re so lucky that we have Teresa and others to provide us with quality local coverage!

    1. Kevin,

      I agree with your suggestion. I love to donate anonymously so I can stay humble. Do you know how we can donate anonymously via electronic payments?

  5. As more people go walking in Edmonds, it’s clear that many don’t know the fundamental rules of pedestrian safety. A glaring example occurs on streets without sidewalks, where many people go walking on the same side of the street as the direction of traffic. This is a dangerous and potentially deadly mistake: 77% of car v walker accidents are of people walking just this way. This means you are three times more likely to be hit than if you walk facing traffic. On this kind of street pedestrians should ALWAYS walk the OPPOSITE direction as traffic.
    1. Drivers see you better; the human brain selectively picks out the human face on a complex background.
    2. You can see drivers better, which allows you to evaluate their safety and avoid them if needed.
    3. Some people are especially at risk for other reasons, especially women and children: if you’re walking with traffic, someone can pull over and offer you a ride since you’re going in the same direction. If you (appropriately) refuse, are you prepared to deal with possible harassment or even violence? Don’t make yourself or your children vulnerable.
    4. With Cor19 it’s safer for everyone to be walking in the same direction to minimize contacts.
    5. It’s WA STATE LAW, and for just these reasons. You can Look it up.

    People walking on the wrong side of the road not only put themselves at risk, but also threaten people walking the right direction by forcing them to step into the center of the road or cross it to avoid them. Would you consider posting an item about this? It’s a safety issue. Perhaps You could get input from the Edmonds police department. Thanks.

  6. Gravity Lounge and Wine Bar would like to be in the directory. We are doing Adopt a Essential Worker gift bags on Saturdays. 4257722836 call or text in who you would like to send a customized gift bag to, and we will deliver for you on Saturdays.

    Elyssa Boyd

  7. I’ve been in my home here in Edmonds for 29 years, one issue I would love for the city to bring attention to is BURNING, I have talked with the Edmonds Fire Department , I don’t want to call 911 and have them waste time and resources racing to the scene with equipment and resources for these folks whom don’t care about the air we breath, I have read the city code many times, I have copied and printed it and have given it to the offenders in my neighborhood, It doesn’t matter and still has no effect on them, they still burn both indoors and out, their not heating their home, last week 68 and sunny, Beautiful Day in our State and I have to stay indoors with windows and doors closed because they decided to burn. We need PSA’s and tougher rules, We should be able to call the fire department and request they drive to the address in a FD vehicle, take a photo and send them a Ticket, big ticket. Many people have allergies or breathing issues, Edmonds is still a aging community. one whiff of smoke and they can’t breathe. I know we are all busy with many issues, I would appreciate any help that could be spent on this.


  8. Sunday while driving around the city it was obvious that many have left their decoration for all of us to enjoy: Thank you

  9. They’re at it again ! The Gang of Four, Inslee, Liias, Peterson and Ortiz-Self conspire to raise YOUR taxes, in the name of the environment ! Never mind that state voters have repeatedly voted down such fraud. Never mind that under their ” leadership ” the state employment security department has THROWN AWAY hundreds of millions of tax dollars ! They are willing to ignore the scientific facts with regard to transportation emissions. Evidently nature’s actions mean nothing to them. The wind will NOT blow CO2 into the state from elsewhere. Ignore the fact that supposed emissions are ESTIMATED by a California climate model, modified by Oregon, for Oregon’s use. Hide the review of this model showing it’s flaws. Do NOT discuss the lack of any measured data showing there is impact along WA roads, highways and freeways ! Ask them for DATA showing that such past action by Oregon or California legislation has made reductions ! Listen to their silence on this question ! Watch, once again as they try to ram through a TAX increase that will most likely be wasted ! Are you going to let them get away with this, this time ? !

  10. Nelson (I can’t bring myself to call him Mayor) has become out of control, unhinged, and dangerous to this community. Keep up the pressure and continue to make your voice heard through city council meetings, Letters to the Editor, emails to council members and word of mouth in your neighborhoods. His comments at last night’s council meeting were a complete abuse of power, undemocratic and very partisan. He just threw fuel on the embers burning within so many residents of Edmonds who will not accept this poor leadership and unacceptable, possibly illegal behavior, that Nelson continues to exhibit.

  11. NO PRIDE FLAG 2024?
    What is next? The town I love is becoming a haven for the intolerant homophobe and xenophobic to openly display THEIR colors.
    I am ashamed of what a “wannabe” Kirklandish phoney plastic city Edmonds has slowly morphed into. Narrow minded Sunday “Christians”

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