By Harry Gatjens Much has been bandied about during the last few months regarding the City’s accounting and reporting systems. Statements are now coming out about how the City’s financial…
Citizen Harry
Citizen Harry analyzes candidates for Edmonds City Attorney
By Harry Gatjens The Edmonds City Council decided last week to reduce the number of candidates applying to be Edmonds’ City Attorney from four finalists to two. There was extended…
Citizen Harry: Report on Edmonds Mayor’s brown bag lunch
By Harry Gatjens Mayor Mike Cooper had a brown bag lunch Tuesday with 20 or so concerned citizens who wanted to get an update on the budget and Edmonds in general….
Citizen Harry: Edmonds Levy Committee reviews its work so far
By Harry Gatjens The Edmonds Citizens Levy Committee held its second October meeting last Thursday. The guest speaker from the City of Shoreline was unable to attend due to a…
Latest ‘Coffee with Harry’ focuses on Proposition 1
By Harry Gatjens Edmonds Public Works Director Phil Williams stopped by the latest “Coffee with Harry” meeting Wednesday to discuss Proposition 1. This was neither a pro nor a con meeting,…
Second ‘Coffee with Harry’ meeting today at Chanterelle
Join “Citizen Harry” Gatjens for his second “Coffee with Harry” meeting, this Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 3:30 p.m. at Chanterelle Restaurant. The guest is City of Edmonds Public Works Director…
Citizen Harry: Levy committee can learn from Lake Forest Park failure
This is the latest in a continuing series of reports by “Citizen Harry” Gatjens on the 2010 Edmonds Citizens Levy Committee. The Edmonds Citizens Levy Committee met again this past…
‘Public Exposure’ show on Citizen Harry airs again Wednesday, Thursday
If you missed the original airing of the “Public Exposure” show on public access television about “Citizen Harry” Gatjens and his efforts to inform citizens through My Edmonds News, the program…
Videos are here: Citizen Harry and My Edmonds News on ‘Public Exposure’
‘Citizen Harry” Gatjens and My Edmonds News Publisher Teresa Wippel appeared on the SCAN Public Access TV show “Public Exposure” on Sept. 17, with Stan Emert hosting. Here are the…
Today’s ‘Coffee with Citizen Harry’
By Harry Gatjens The first “Coffee with Harry” was held this morning at Chanterelle Restaurant in downtown Edmonds. First things first: Thanks to proprietor Brooke Baker and her staff for…
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My Edmonds News and Citizen Harry on ‘Public Exposure’ show tonight
The SCAN public access television network show “Public Exposure” is interviewing My Edmonds News publisher Teresa Wippel and columnist “Citizen Harry” Gatjens at 8 p.m. tonight (Thursday). Comcast Cable customers…
Coffee with Harry tomorrow morning – 9:30 a.m. at Chanterelle
Here’s your chance to exchange opinions, share information and ask questions of Edmonds’ own Citizen Harry — that’s Harry Gatjens, former Edmonds City Council candidate and a current member of…
Citizen Harry: Edmonds’ rainy day fund
By Harry Gatjens Did you know the City of Edmonds has a $2 million rainy-day fund? It’s prudent for cities to put a little money aside in the event of…
This Thursday morning: Here’s your chance to have coffee with Harry
It’s coming this Thursday morning from 9:30-11 a.m. — your chance exchange opinions, share information and ask questions of Edmonds’ own Citizen Harry — that’s Harry Gatjens, former Edmonds City…
Edmonds 2010 Citizens Levy Committee to meet Monday
The Edmonds 2010 Citizens Levy Committee will meet at 6 p.m. Monday in the Brackett Room, third floor of City Hall, 121 5th Ave. N. The agenda includes staff presentations…
Citizen Harry: Questions and answers regarding Edmonds’ fiber optic system
The Citizens’ Technology Advisory Committee (CTAC) met again on Tuesday, Aug. 10, to review questions and refine the presentation that the committee will make to the City Council on Aug….