Edmonds Police Blotter

Stealing appeared to be the crime of choice in Edmonds in recent weeks, according to police department reports. Here’s a summary: March 12: 81oo block Lake Ballinger Way: A restaurant…

Edmonds Police Blotter

What’s the most interesting item we saw in our latest perusal of Edmonds Police Department reports? Perhaps the guy who poured bleach and noodles into the gas tank of someone…

Police Blotter

Among the disturbing, daring and odd reports pulled from the Edmonds Police Department files in the past week: Dec. 23: -An Edmonds nursing home reported that an elderly patient with…

Police Blotter

Among the reports pulled from Edmonds Police Department files in the past week: Dec. 14: 8100 block of 238th Street Southwest. A suspect shoplifts one can of beer from a…

Police Blotter

Stealing food, beverages, clothes, razors and even a car seemed to be the crime of choice during Thanksgiving week, along with juvenile drinking, reckless driving and twin-brother assault, according to…

Police Blotter

Reports pulled from the Edmonds Police Department files for the past week include an interesting range of items stolen or shoplifted. I can understand six cases of beer, but a…

Police Blotter

Among the police reports pulled from the Edmonds Police Department files for the past week: Nov. 11, 21400 block of 72nd Avenue Southwest: A senior care facility reported that an…

Edmonds Police Blotter

Among the police reports pulled from the Edmonds Police Department files for the past week: Saturday, Oct. 31: -Checks were stolen from a mailbox in the 7900 block of 207th…

Edmonds Police Blotter

Among the police reports pulled from the Edmonds Police Department for the week ending Oct. 29, 2009: Friday, Oct. 23, Olympic View Drive and Puget Drive: A male driver fled…