Updated to include latest ferry information: A 37-year-old Edmonds woman died Saturday morning after she was struck by a northbound Burlington Northern train on the Edmonds waterfront. According to Edmonds…
Edmonds Police Department
Budget implications of Skippers plan concern Edmonds police chief
Two weeks ago, when the Edmonds City Council began debating a proposal to buy the vacant Skippers Restaurant property for $1.1 million, Councilmember D.J. Wilson expressed many reservations, not the…
Police still searching for hit-and-run driver who crashed into apartment
Edmonds police are still seeking the driver of a green four-door Infiniti that crashed into an apartment in the 7300 block of 216th Street Southwest early Thursday morning. According to…
Police Blotter: Domestic spat(ula) incident results in arrest
Remember those old television shows where wives threw dishes at their husbands, or maybe went after them with a frying pan? For one Edmonds couple, the instrument of choice was…
Edmonds Police Blotter
Stealing appeared to be the crime of choice in Edmonds in recent weeks, according to police department reports. Here’s a summary: March 12: 81oo block Lake Ballinger Way: A restaurant…
Update: Police release statement on car-pedestrian accident
Edmonds police released the following statement regarding Sunday night’s car-pedestrian accident: “On Sunday evening, March 7, 2010, at 9:03 p.m., Edmonds police officers were dispatched to the 23700 block of…
Edmonds Police Blotter
What’s the most interesting item we saw in our latest perusal of Edmonds Police Department reports? Perhaps the guy who poured bleach and noodles into the gas tank of someone…
City budget, campaign finance reform hot topics for Council Tuesday night
Money — including a status report on the city’s biennial budget and a proposal to put a limit on mayor and city council campaign donations — was the main topic…
Police Blotter
Among the disturbing, daring and odd reports pulled from the Edmonds Police Department files in the past week: Dec. 23: -An Edmonds nursing home reported that an elderly patient with…
Police Blotter
Among the reports pulled from Edmonds Police Department files in the past week: Dec. 14: 8100 block of 238th Street Southwest. A suspect shoplifts one can of beer from a…
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Edmonds Police Department awarded state accreditation
The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) on Nov. 18 formally awarded the Edmonds Police Department state accreditation at the annual Fall WASPC Conference in Blaine, Washington. State…
Edmonds-Woodway student’s Facebook group memorializes Lakewood officers
When Edmonds-Woodway High School junior Jacob Kimerer heard about the fatal shooting of four Lakewood police officers last Sunday morning, he did what many teens do when they want to…
Police Blotter
Stealing food, beverages, clothes, razors and even a car seemed to be the crime of choice during Thanksgiving week, along with juvenile drinking, reckless driving and twin-brother assault, according to…
Police Blotter
Reports pulled from the Edmonds Police Department files for the past week include an interesting range of items stolen or shoplifted. I can understand six cases of beer, but a…
Man who died after being rear-ended Tuesday is identified
The King County Medical Examiner’s office has released the identity of the 63-year-old Edmonds man who died at Harborview Medical Center after being severely injured in a motor vehicle collision…
Police Blotter
Among the police reports pulled from the Edmonds Police Department files for the past week: Nov. 11, 21400 block of 72nd Avenue Southwest: A senior care facility reported that an…
Edmonds Police Blotter
Among the police reports pulled from the Edmonds Police Department files for the past week: Saturday, Oct. 31: -Checks were stolen from a mailbox in the 7900 block of 207th…
Edmonds police in motorcade for fallen Seattle officer
Edmonds police will be represented in today’s memorial procession along Seattle streets for Seattle police officer Timothy Brenton, who was killed while sitting in his police car last Saturday night….
Edmonds Police Blotter
Among the police reports pulled from the Edmonds Police Department for the week ending Oct. 29, 2009: Friday, Oct. 23, Olympic View Drive and Puget Drive: A male driver fled…
Shots fired and police arrive – only to find movie-making in progress!
Make-believe drama became true life for a local film crew last Saturday evening, Oct. 10, when an Edmonds Police K-9 unit happened upon a gun-fight scene behind the Burlington Coat…