Potpourri best describes this week’s arts posts. Wonderful events and exciting happenings that — when mixed together — create the colorful, vibrant arts environment that draws visitors and residents to…
Mike Schindler
Edmonds Military Wire: How to recognize traumatic brain injury
My Edmonds News introduces Edmonds resident Michael Schindler, a Navy veteran and president of Operation Military Family, whose weekly column will focus on information for local veterans and their families….
Still time to send holiday cards to military families
More than 1,000 holiday cards have been received for military families, and it’s not too late to send yours. Mike Schindler, founder of the Edmonds-based Operation Military Family, says the…
Send a holiday card to an often-forgotten hero: military families
At this time of year, we are often reminded to support others in need — we donate food to people who are homeless or hungry, provide a warm jacket to…