City of Edmonds Public Works Director Phil Williams said Friday afternoon that he believes that public works employees were successful in catching much of the diesel oil spilled into a…
Phil Williams
Be prepared for slick Edmonds roads Monday and snow Tuesday, Wednesday
The weather forecast keeps changing but it appears we may be getting snow in Edmonds this week — the only question seems to be exactly when. Earlier Sunday, the National…
New forecast: Snow expected in Edmonds Sunday, Monday
The National Weather Service in Seattle at noon Sunday issued a winter weather advisory through Monday night for snow showers in the Greater Seattle area, from Tacoma to Everett. Snow…
Latest ‘Coffee with Harry’ focuses on Proposition 1
By Harry Gatjens Edmonds Public Works Director Phil Williams stopped by the latest “Coffee with Harry” meeting Wednesday to discuss Proposition 1. This was neither a pro nor a con meeting,…
Edmonds Proposition 1 focus of Oct. 28 Chamber luncheon
Phil Williams, the City of Edmonds’ new public works director, will speak about Edmonds Proposition 1 at the Oct. 28 Edmonds Chamber of Commerce Luncheon. If approved by voters in…
Second ‘Coffee with Harry’ meeting today at Chanterelle
Join “Citizen Harry” Gatjens for his second “Coffee with Harry” meeting, this Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 3:30 p.m. at Chanterelle Restaurant. The guest is City of Edmonds Public Works Director…
Election 2010: Prop. 1 supporters make case for Edmonds street and sidewalk funding at Saturday meeting
A small group of citizens met Saturday morning to hear supporters of Proposition 1 speak about why Edmonds voters should approve an additional $40-per-year, per-vehicle registration fee to pay for…