Starting July 23, Snohomish County PUD will no longer disconnect residential customers’ electricity or water service for the duration of high-heat events. Additionally, the PUD will reconnect any previously…
Wildfire smoke forecasted to impact Washington again this season
As the climate changes, the threat of wildfires looms larger every year. The Washington State Department of Health is urging the public to prepare now for smoke that can make…
Under the Weather column taking a break
The Under the Weather column is taking a break. Columnist Kelsie Nelson said she hopes to resume her popular weather forecasting column in the future but is unable to continue…
Reader view: Consider offering water bowls for wildlife as temperatures rise
You might have noticed that the first excessive heat warning of 2023 hit us even earlier than usual this year. We are now seeing temperatures above 80 degrees even before…
Under the weather: First heat wave of year expected over weekend
Be careful what you wish for! Up to this point, the main weather complaint I’ve heard regarding weather is that people wished that it would start to warm up. After…
Under the weather: First 70-degree days of the year expected this weekend
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but at the time of writing this on Thursday evening, it’s sunny… and warm! If you pay any attention to weather (and if you’re…
Under the weather: More April showers expected over the weekend
Besides a couple sporadic spring-like days, it hasn’t felt too much like spring so far, especially over the month of April. Whoever coined the adage “April showers brings May flowers”…
Under the weather: Showers expected for much of Easter weekend
There isn’t a better holiday than Easter that signals springtime — bright colors, outdoor egg hunts, outdoor family gatherings in the sunshine… Many typical Easter festivities require the weather to…
Under the weather: No joke here—active weather expected for first weekend of April
We are officially in the month of April. If that doesn’t shock you a bit, how about I put it another way: We’re a quarter of the way through 2023…
Under the weather: Showery weekend before drying out early next week
All those heavy laden and weary from winter — rejoice! The burden has been lifted: spring is here! Winter is now in the books, so let’s take a look at…
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Under the weather: Showery weekend and damp start to week ahead
The month of February flew by, and we’re already near halfway through March. And here we are about to spring forward! Days are getting lighter and summertime is inching closer…
Snow what? Edmonds soccer team finds a way to play
Edmonds resident Mary Anne Dillon shared this feel-good story involving her daughter’s soccer team: On Sunday, the FC Edmonds Girls ’08 Super League Premier soccer team’s game was cancelled due…
With snow and ice in forecast, Sound Transit offers tips for commuters
The National Weather Service is forecasting snow, ice, and wind in Snohomish, King and Pierce counties over the next several days, which may have an impact on regional transportation. Here…
Under the weather: More snow possible this weekend as winter hangs on a bit longer
We had another taste of wintry weather this week, but it was quite short-lived. To illustrate this, the following two photos were taken just over 24 hours apart: In the…
Under the weather: Showery weekend ahead before cold and chance of snow return next week
We’ve passed the halfway point in the month of February, and so far, we are an inch behind average for precipitation at Paine Field. We’ve seen 0.7 inches of measurable…
Under the weather: Showers and sun expected for weekend before Valentine’s Day
It’s hard to believe, but Valentine’s Day is just around the corner — it snuck up on us, didn’t it? If you are celebrating, hopefully your preparations are well-underway! In…
Under the weather: Active weather pattern expected for first weekend of February
We ended the month of January on a dry note, but not before we amassed 3.95 inches of rain at Paine Field. This was very close to normal, ending just…
Under the weather: Mix of showers, sun and cold expected for last weekend of January
We’re already about to wrap up the month of January — that’s right, we’re almost one-twelfth of the way through 2023. Time to start preparing for 2024… just kidding. Over…
Under the weather: Mostly dry weekend ahead as we inch closer to February
It’s already over halfway through January — time is just flying by, isn’t it? At this time of the year, we’re no strangers to pretty consistent rainfall. After all, climatologically…
Under the weather: Storm systems continue through the weekend
Happy New Year, everyone! The start of 2023 has been relatively dry thus far, but as we head into the first full weekend of the year, the rain is expected…